A Conversation for Emmy Noether - Mathematician

Peer Review: A87957463 - A Guide to the Life and Times of Emmy Noether - Mathematician

Post 1

SashaQ - happysad

Entry: A Guide to the Life and Times of Emmy Noether - Mathematician - A87957463
Author: SashaQ - happysad - U9936370

Here is a quick guide to the life of another female mathematician. I hope I have covered everything with sufficient succinct detail, but I look forward to your thoughts smiley - ok

A87957463 - A Guide to the Life and Times of Emmy Noether - Mathematician

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Good entry, Sasha.

You say that Emmy's brother was disabled as if that was proof that he couldn't know anything about mathematics. I think it would be better to say something like "Emmy's youngest did not receive a college education because he was disabled".

languages om 1900 --> languages in 1900

to officially register --> to register officially (some people care about this - I don't, but this minor change will stop some people complaining)

There she developed what is known as Noether's Theorem4 to connect the Theory with the previously understood laws of Physics by noting that mass and gravity can be viewed as equivalent.

-- I think this sentence is too long and complicated:

She developed the Theorem to connect the Theory with the laws by noting that mass and gravity can be viewed as equivalent

I'd say:

There she developed what is known as Noether's Theorem4 to connect Relativity with the previously understood laws of Physics. This notes that mass and gravity can be viewed as equivalent.

When there, she also gave lectures -- this suggests that she was only there some of the time. Change it to:

There she also gave lectures

Kurt Gödel didn't have Jewish heritage as far as I can make out, although he did flee Nazi Germany because he didn't approve of the regime.

Her legacy lives on - tributes were paid to her by Einstein, and her colleagues at Princeton, and as well as numerous mathematical objects, her name has been given to buildings, awards and even a crater on the Moon.

-- There shouldn't be a comma after Einstein. I also think this sentence is a bit long and could with care be split into two or three sentences.

smiley - smiley G

A87957463 - A Guide to the Life and Times of Emmy Noether - Mathematician

Post 3


I enjoyed reading this, even though I'm disappointed that her father didn’t change his name to Nœther. In addition to what has already been spotted can I mention 'qalified'.

I'm sorry, maybe I'm nitpicking needlessly but I've always understood 'The Life and Times of' to be different to 'The Life of'. A 'The Life of' discusses the significant events in a person's life, whereas 'The Life and Times of' not only discusses those person's significant events, but also the significant – national and international - events of the time in which they lived, often in relation to the person in question. So a 'Life and Times Of' for someone living 1882-1935 predominantly in Germany I'd expect to include some of the following: Germany, Austria and Italy's signing of the Triple Alliance; invention of the internal combustion engine and later diesel engine in Germany; possibly the development of the Schiefflen Plan and other preparations for war, including arms build-up; Great War – which not only involved the deaths of vast numbers of men, Britain's blockade prevented food etc reaching Germany's home front; Spartacus League Uprising; Weimar Republic; Hyperinflation; France's occupation of the Ruhr Valley; rise of the right and National Socialism etc.

So while I think that this is an excellent 'The Life', it isn't really an 'and Times of' as the term is strictly interpreted smiley - erm.


A87957463 - Emmy Noether - Mathematician

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks both - excellent points so I have made some changes accordingly smiley - ok

No problem about the title - I deliberately inflated it in the hope that it would entice people into Peer Review faster smiley - evilgrin but it was only temporary smiley - ok I touched on the issues of the time, but you are right that it is not sufficient detail to warrant top billing.

A87957463 - Emmy Noether - Mathematician

Post 5


I had a re-read and did wonder what 'Noetherian Rings' are, I must admit my first thought was of Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen…


A87957463 - Emmy Noether - Mathematician

Post 6

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks for reading smiley - ok I added a link on Noetherian Rings just for completeness - they do sound like something out of the Ring Cycle, but aren't smiley - laugh

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Post 8


smiley - applauseSo they're not even to do with the Nürburgring smiley - biker either


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Post 9

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - laugh No smiley - biker

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Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - bubbly

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