LEISURE DISTRICT :>Our appalling site for Leisure District Junkies on Telewest

Click me for Jarve's NEW page...
Well then, here we have it peeps! This was once the first page that the 'magic E-mail' link would have brought a lot of you ld'ers to.
I have to say now that the original link was in one of aka's profiles on LD that brought you to his page, nice work Chris! That was the good old days, using HTML to work around the LD site.. Great fun.
So, what now?
Well.. Nothing much! LOL! What have us stragglers got but a memory of the times we had... Was fun for a few years! Friends were made, relationships.. kids even! God only knows!!
So, feel free to leave a message if you wanna get in touch with any of the old gang, I'm sure with the addies i have of all you lot, we can trace anyone.. If they wanna be that is :-)

So yeh, here I am adding bits randomly to my page, i am not sure if anyone still reads this page like, gimma a shout if you don't..lol So who's the 'daddy' these days on h2? lol! Greta phrase that aint it! Well.. I think so anyway! Well, off to go for some beers at th shp now, carry on reading below for some older randon rubbish..
From Mr.B.Whizzz and from Jarve we bid you happy hiking!!Jarve.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk Here is a piccy of what we thought the governess looked like:

Peace + Love peeps!!!!

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wow | Aug 15, 2007 |
ahhhh 3 years in the future!!!!! | Jul 19, 2006 |
???? | Jan 15, 2004 |
Your usernames please | Jan 13, 2004 |
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Testing Journal | No Posting | Mar 9, 2011 |
Time Travel | No Posting | Dec 9, 2009 |
Pick your own berrys and support your local economy | No Posting | Jul 8, 2009 |
Why do I have "eyes" infront my nick? | No Posting | Mar 25, 2009 |
how do i shrink journal entries? | No Posting | Oct 20, 2007 |
The District Mob (jarve 'n co)
Researcher U181758
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