Journal Entries


I am a great big idiot and I'm annoyed at myself.

Just thought you all might want to know that.

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Latest reply: May 25, 2003

Mr Stupid

I managed to mess-up my shoulder yesterday whilst shutting a door. Even alcohol didn't managed to get rid of the persistant aches and pains.

And I found that I'd went and put a packet of tortilla chips in the fridge last night when I got in smiley - blush. At least I didn't try and post to hootoo. I think.

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Latest reply: May 17, 2003


Today is election day in Scotland. Elections are being held for the Scottish Parliament and (apparently) Local Councils.

And I can't vote because the f**kers who deal with these things "failed" to supply our flat with our voter cards, including the location of the actual polling station.

So I can't vote without bringing proof of ID (or my council tax number or something) with me and then arguing with a no-doubt stupid desk-monkey who probably won't even find me on the electoral register.

I'm very angry. I'm a strong believer in Scottish self-government and was very enthusiastic about the referendum to restore the Parliament in 1997. I even got a supporter of centralisation to vote for it smiley - magic.

Now, as well as some of the press rubbishing our hard-won semi-soverignty and the constant attacks it comes under from the pro-centralisation Conservatives, I can't even vote to affect it's make-up. And thanks to the s**tty weather today many Scots won't even bother to vote.

Of course, we'll almost certainly get a Labour government, or possibly another Labour/Liberal Democrat coalition, but that's not the point. It's still a young parliament, it may well be a proper National one one day and every election for it is important.

And on a day when so many Scots who recieved polling cards will "stay at home" because "they're all the same", I can't even exercise my democratic right.

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Latest reply: May 1, 2003

Hard Disk coughs, splutters and dies

On Sunday the 27th of April in the Year of Our Lord 2003 the Hard Disk on this PC went all mental and gave up.

It was five years old.

Luckily, I managed to re-format the varmint and re-install Windows 95 (an aborted attempt to install Windows 2000 is what killed the poor thing).

All Zagreb's work (including some screenplay work), writing and his vast ZX Spectrum games collection were lost. smiley - cry

Luckily, he spat on his hands and re-installed the Graphics Card drivers (thus getting rid of the foul VGA display) and the Internet.

So, yeah, after being offline for a few days (and boy did it suck to be "denied") I am back online. This is a Good Thing.

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2003


Last night I managed to break one of my "rules" (ie don't drink too much smiley - blush). And being really tired but also mouthy, I actually kept "dropping off" mid-conversation and actually continuing the conversation in nonsensical dream-speak until roughly waking myself up and saying "what the hell was I just saying there?" after realising I had trailed off into nonsense. smiley - erm

Less booze. More sleep. Be Pure. Be Vigilant. Behave.

Anyway, I'm offski to Perth to see a mate I haven't seen in years. Ciao (not that anyone ever seems to bother reading this journal).

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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2003

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