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All woman here ;-)
Witty Ditty Started conversation Jan 27, 2003
Hiya - I hope you weren't too shocked at myself being female - however, you're assumption wasn't quite as outlandish as DoctorGonzo's at the Summer Meet, when he told me he though that myself and CP were a lesbian couple...
(Ok - we're sisters, and yes, we're close, but not that close )
Lovely to meet you
All woman here ;-)
Whisky Posted Jan 28, 2003
Hi there... That's ok, I've got over the shock now (quite a pleasant shock it was too though
The only trouble with these meets is that one evening is far too short to meet everyone... I seem to have spent my time running between groups trying to meet everyone and never having enough time to have any sort of extended conversation...
Ah well, I suppose that means I'll just have to go to the next meet as well
All woman here ;-)
Witty Ditty Posted Jan 28, 2003
Your poor jaw - I've never seen anyone's drop so fast
Well - the next Meet should be in July, but so are my exams... so depending where they fall, I may be there or not
All woman here ;-)
Whisky Posted Jan 28, 2003
That was nothing to do with you though... I always wander round looking slightly perplexed with my mouth hanging open... it's called being permanently on another planet
All woman here ;-)
DoctorGonzo Posted Jun 21, 2003
Jesus, I really said that?
If I was drunk, then it explains it. I say stuff like that when I'm drunk.
All woman here ;-)
DoctorGonzo Posted Jun 23, 2003
I was drunk covers most things, mate. And I have to come with excuses like that fairly regularly, so trust me on this...
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All woman here ;-)
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