This is the Message Centre for Whisky

MC Explained.

Post 1

Moonglum Clampflower (MornC), Muse of Ego, Keeper of the Lamp and Guru, (aka Happinose)

Hi Whisky

The best way to explain a game is to play it. So, sir, I challenge thee to a game of Mornington Crescent ** casts silk glove at Whisky's Feet ** (standard Russian challenge c1814).

To keep it simple, we will only use the following.

1) three time loop jump
2) Absolutely no Worple Financial Index
3) Nothern Line rule

First thing ... DON'T PANIC!!

I'll go first and I'll explain each move as I go. It's pretty open on the first move. The only place you can't go is Mornington Crescent (an amendment made fairly early on in the game). So I choose...

Oxford Circus

Which gives a fairly central start point and a fair few possibilities. (Singholms manouver, Rushton / Garden match 1972 smiley - geek). Ok, Your move. Go On. Just give it a try.

smiley - cheers

smiley - crescentmoonsmiley - biggrin

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