This is the Message Centre for Whisky

Salut Whisky

Post 1


smiley - ok

Hi there Whisky, I hope you don't mind my sans gene, barging in like this, but I wanted to draw your attention to a couple of ideas of mine and get some feedback from you. No obligation, bien entendu. smiley - smiley

I have stuck up a Francophile page - A694497; not much to it yet, but I just wondered what you thought of the idea. There doesn't seem to be much French presence on h2g2, but it might be of interest to some.

I've also put a link to my uni project on there: The French Revolution - A685668. I don't know whether the subject matter is much up your street, but I would be delighted if you were interested in contributing.

I look forward to hearing from you, if it's any hassle or you're not interested, I won't be offended, so tell it to me straight. smiley - biggrin


Salut Whisky

Post 2


The francophile page sounds quite interesting, as a minimum it could turn into a 'French H2G2 Users Club' very much as the Germans/Dutch/Americans etc have (although for some reason there doesn't seem to be that many of us...

As far as I know there's only you, me and Alias John (U177816) who are actually in France. Then there's Also Ran 1 (U186829) who is originally from Corsica now living in the UK...

But I'm sure there must be a few other people - after all, I did see DNAs books translated into French in the FNAC the other day - so someone must read them out here.

As to the French Revolution project, I don't honestly think I could be an awful lot of help there - not because I don't want to, just because I admit to knowing virtually nothing about the subject (my last history lesson in school was when I was about 14 years old - which is altogether too long a time ago)

I've subscribed to the Francophile and I'll try and think of ways of getting people interested and how to improve it... I'll let you know if I come up with any brainwaves (most unlikely however smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers

Salut Whisky

Post 3


Cool, smiley - cheers for the quick response. I'll have a look chez those researchers you mentioned and (unless you think it counts as spamming) maybe see whether they could be interested in the Fr Rev. Don't worry, I won't ask them if it doesn't look as though it'd be up their street. smiley - smiley

It was looking for potential contributors that led me to slap up the Francophile page in the first place.

No worries on not wanting to get into the proj; that's cool.

So, ta again for the feedback,


Salut Whisky

Post 4


About the h2g2 books in French: I gave the first one (in French) to a (French) friend of mine and he loved it. He passed it on to his daughter in law, who also loved it. Then I got him the second one and finally made it clear that there was a whole series smiley - doh and now he is on So, long' while the d in L has finished the lot, I think. So it isn't incompatible with the French mentality!

I've got an Ask h2g2 thread going calling for Francophone or Francophile researchers, so we'll have to wait and see what comes up.

seeya around

Speef - le retour

Post 5


hi Whisky, howyadoin? smiley - smiley

I was talking to a woman who wanted someone to do teaching hours in the Lyon area...

are you interested.

it's a bit wierd, in that they do a lot of lessons over the phone! smiley - yikes

it kinda makes sense coz the customers in question mostly need 'phone English' as it were; they are dealing with Eng speakers solely on the phone.

anyway, i thought of you. i'm not 'broking' you, just trying to get in their good books! smiley - biggrin


Speef - le retour

Post 6


Doesn't sound weird at all, we've got customers who want telephone lessons like that... To be honest its not really my dept. teaching, so I've no idea whether the boss needs anyone or not, but there's no harm in dropping in a CV to the office or by mail...

Have a look at A851401.... which will disappear shortly smiley - winkeye

smiley - cheers

Speef - le retour

Post 7


gotcha. just before it blew, i reckon smiley - biggrin!

just to be clear, i thought i was offering work to *you*, rather than asking *you* for work for *me*. smiley - smiley

Speef - le retour

Post 8


Oops, thought it was the other way round... In that case, have a look at the link above, I've added the full contact details if someone's interested in taking english lessons - or any other language for that mattersmiley - winkeye

Get it quick while its hot. I'll leave the entry there until you've got the details...

smiley - cheers

Speef - le retour

Post 9


you wanna get that count-down thing looked at, you know! I think there's a glitch... smiley - biggrin

got the details; let 'er rip!

Speef - le retour

Post 10


It's ok, I've fixed the countdown.... have a look at it now smiley - winkeye

Speef - le retour

Post 11


smiley - laugh

a flash and a bang! smiley - biggrin

Speef - le retour

Post 12

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Now how on earth did I get this wonderful thread onto my "new" name? It is sooo good to hear about both of you!. and France beat Wales today in Sydddney. Dare I say Vive la France

With much joy

Also ran1
aka now as SmilingAlso Ran1 but still
smiley - schooloffish

Speef - le retour

Post 13


What, who, where, when???

Ahh, smiley - cuddle Haven't spoken to you in ages AR...

Hmm, did you have trouble getting your old login back after the changes as well then?

Speef - le retour

Post 14

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Everything dear whisky.

Flstered but still trying

AR1 smiley - schooloffish

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