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Greetings whisky...
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Dec 1, 2006
There, there... *pats Whisky soothingly on the shoulder* ...imagining things? Have you forgotten to take your medication again?
Greetings whisky...
Whisky Posted Dec 1, 2006
I don't need my medication any more...
Even my doctor says everyone *is* out to get me now!
Greetings whisky...
Whisky Posted Dec 1, 2006
That's it - this means war...
Or, of course, I could start being nice to you - that'd be even scarier
Greetings whisky...
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Dec 1, 2006
Ewwwww... *frenetically wipes mouth with *
Stop that! You... you... *fails to think of an epithet devastating enough*
Oh no - it's starting to affect my brain! EEEEEEEK!
Greetings whisky...
Whisky Posted Dec 1, 2006
I tend to have that effect on people...
Not sure if my wit, charm and good looks overcome them or maybe I should just change my toothpaste.
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Greetings whisky...
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