This is the Message Centre for Whisky

Greetings whisky...

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her usual vague, elf-like manner*

Thanks a lot for the great help regarding my entry on 'Bashkortostan'!smiley - smiley

In fact, I've used so much of your suggestions that I wondered if you want to be mentioned as one of the researchers behind it?

Greetings whisky...

Post 2


Hi there

It wasn't a problem, I'm a translator by trade anyway so I'm used to doing that sort of thing.

As to putting my name on the list, well, you did all the research and hard work, I just corrected a few spelling mistakes and I know absolutely nothing about the subject. So it's your work really and you deserve the credit.

Thanks for the kind offer anyway,



Greetings whisky...

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - smooch

Greetings whisky...

Post 4


smiley - bigeyes - smiley - blush - smiley - biggrin - smiley - rose

Greetings whisky...

Post 5


Hmm, I withdraw the previous posting... Here, CATCH!

smiley - flansmiley - tomato-=smiley - cheesecake

smiley - nahnah
smiley - run

Greetings whisky...

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

_-smiley - snowballsmiley - reindeer

smiley - run

Greetings whisky...

Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)

Just checking if you know that Siriusthesmiley - dogsmiley - star is Loopyboopy aka Oetzi?

Greetings whisky...

Post 8


**slaps forehead** smiley - headhurts

Just saw his last post and figured it out about ten seconds ago (Insulting Jimster is a bit of a giveaway)

Greetings whisky...

Post 9


smiley - bigeyes

Just noticed the age of this thread...

We're getting old aren't we smiley - winkeye

Greetings whisky...

Post 10

Titania (gone for lunch)

I assume you mean that as a 'royal' we, indicating yourself?smiley - tongueout

Time does fly when one is having fun - here, catch!smiley - flansmiley - tomatosmiley - snowball

smiley - run

Greetings whisky...

Post 11


Of course I meant the royal we...

After all... I know I'm _getting_ old...

You, on the other hand are already...

smiley - erm Think I should change the subject here smiley - tongueout

smiley - kiss

Greetings whisky...

Post 12

Titania (gone for lunch)

One is only as old as one feels - and right now I don't feel old at all!smiley - tickle

Greetings whisky...

Post 13


Well, there is a ruder version of that saying...

A man is only as old as the woman he feels...

smiley - runsmiley - elfsmiley - cuddle

smiley - winkeye

How old are you again?
(Don't answer that!)

Greetings whisky...

Post 14

Titania (gone for lunch)

Of course I won't answer - then I would have to kill you!smiley - monster

Greetings whisky...

Post 15

Titania (gone for lunch)

It's been far too long since we last had one of these:

*takes aim*

smiley - tomatosmiley - snowballsmiley - flansmiley - snowball

Greetings whisky...

Post 16


Hmmm... I see smiley - cross

How's my favourite Root Vegetable/Chinese Soup Ingredient then?

smiley - flan

Greetings whisky...

Post 17

Titania (gone for lunch)

Aww... you say the nicest things!smiley - blush

NOT!smiley - tongueout

smiley - llabwons

Greetings whisky...

Post 18


I see now, you only posted here to keep me away from the H2IQ thread you started.

(or at least that's my excuse for not being fast enough)

**Screws up the piece of paper he was working out the anagram on and throws it in the general direction of the bin**

Greetings whisky...

Post 19

Titania (gone for lunch)

Nah, it was a chain reaction of thoughts. Food fight = H2IQ = Word Play.

Or at least I think that's the way my thoughts went - or maybe I just wasn't thinking at all?smiley - online2long

Greetings whisky...

Post 20


Go on, you can admit it, nobody else reads this page... you're madly and hopelessly in love with me and have been missing me so much you couldn't go on any longer without talking to me.... Aren't you?

Key: Complain about this post