This is the Message Centre for Xevec the Everlasting

Welcome Xevec...

Post 1


Hi there Xevec the Everlasting!

My name is Solnushka and I am an ACE, which basically means that I flit around welcoming new researchers like yourself to the Guide, spelling really badly in the process, and help out wherever I can.

To which end, if you have any questions, please do hit the reply button below and ask away! If you want to get to my (or any other researcher's) homepage, you can click on my lovely blue name above. Activating the 'discuss this entry' button there will allow you to talk of sailing ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings, or whatever...

In the meantime, here are some links, which you are at perfect liberty to ignore, of course...

The welcome page:

The smiley page (actually you can go there by clicking on any smiley such as this one smiley - smiley ) :

A really big guide to lots of the clubs, societies, gangs etc you can get involved in:

I could particularly point you in the direction of h2g2's Royal Procrastinators Society, of which I am a proud member, but I can't be bothered right now smiley - winkeye .

Ask h2g2, where you can ask anything except 'What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?':

The h2g2 newspaper, The Post:

Peer Review is where you can preview and review entries which are vying to get into the Edited Guide. You can click on the banner at the top of the page for that...

And here is a link to a place which should help you with GuideML: It confuses me entirely, but there you go.

Hope you enjoy yourself here at the Guide. See you around, if not before!

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Welcome Xevec...

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