
I play the bagpipes. Many people really don't know what the bagpipes are. I don't know about the Irish Bagpipes, but I do know a whole lot about the Scottish Bagpipes. Essentially, a bagpipe consists of a bag, three pipes, or "drones," and a chanter.

The chanter is the part you fingure on, and it is the loudest part. The reeds for the bagpipes are annoying. The slightest changes in it can make the bagpipes sound like a dying cat, despite the fact that most people think it sounds that bad, anyway. I will be referring to those individuals as losers.

The pipes are the part that give the bagpipes the low humming sound it makes. Many "losers" belive that the pipes are the loudest part. They don't realize the fact that the drones are used for a lot of other things, not only making sound. When they are in tune, which many people can't do, the drones' natural frequencies lock into eachother, projecting the sound out amazingly far. When they are really in tune, with all three drones and the chanter in tune, then the bagpipes can sound the same loudness whether you are 100m away or two.

I'm going to finish this later. Honest.


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Ah, Xevec... we meet... (again?) No Posting Jun 25, 2001
Welcome Xevec... No Posting Jun 24, 2001
Intersting Jun 23, 2001 No Replies


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