Journal Entries
It's here - 1st January 2005
Posted Dec 31, 2004
Hi, y'all, or as we say here, "youse guys". I am about to get a cup of and I am very happy about that.
Last year was truly the year from Hell, but I have a funny attitude about it - there were some good times, especially the week Gerard and Megan were here - that was so awesome! (Why is there not an elephant smiley?) Hey, maybe there is...
So, what will 2005 be like? Jim will be off to University to study ing, and I will be doing things. Exactly what things, I shall advise anyone who is interested as time goes by...
Of course 2004 was the year that Garth died - and also Meg's grandmother Ngaire, Annjanette's grandfather Vivian, and Garth's friend Lindsay.
It was also the year of the devastating Tsunami, and the latest potential casualty figure we heard on the 6 pm news (last year ) was 135,000. What can I say about that?
for all who died, and prayers and tears for all who have lost family and livelihood.
Let's be optimistic, and hope for and happiness for all, and specifically for my h2g2 friends.
(non-alcoholic) and as Jim would insist if he weren't on the other side of the room watching Britney Spears in her undies on the Rock in Rio concert, some
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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2004
Christmas Eve - 24th December 2004
Posted Dec 24, 2004
As it is here... though the rest of youse will have to wait a bit. Here we have sunshine and we have rain... and is usual at this time of year, we have too much food! and all the rest.
We have Gerard and Megan here for Christmas, and it is wonderful! I thought it would be terrible, and it would have been if not for them - because we had spent every Christmas since 1996 with Garth, either at his place, or with him here, especially 2002 and 2003.
Yesterday was Megan's 28th birthday, and we all went to the Zoo, so we could see elephants. (She is an elephant fan, and I am not kidding!) My favourites were the lions, the Cavy, the sealions, giraffes and various monkeys, especially the Cotton Top Tamarins. So and so almost human! The Orang-outans made me
somehow, maybe because their 'enriched' environment made me think of prison, as the keeper shut a solid door, because we were there all day, and it was just before closing...
So, a Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year, and I wouldn't be me if I did not say: "Jesus is the reason for the season"...
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Latest reply: Dec 24, 2004
Ahmed Zaoui sees the sun - 10th December 2004
Posted Dec 10, 2004
Those of you who have been following the story, will be interested to know that yesterday, 9th December 2004 at 4 p..m, the Supreme Court here in NZ ruled, that Ahmed Zaoui, who'd been in prison for 24 months, the first 10 in "solitary" could be released on bail! He spent his first night of freedom in New Zealand last night, phoned his family and finally was able to tell his children why he hadn't been back to them, and eat something other than prison food. At his first press conference since his nightmare of xenophobia began, he said he was very tired, but very happy. In a pre-release interview last night on 'Close Up at Seven' he said that the food he was looking forward to most of all was olives. They are symbolic in Christianity, Islam and Judaism he said, and "triply sacred", interviewer as Kim Hill replied.
So, this is the first good news of 2004! I hope there will be more, in the 21 days left of this year from Hell. (Star Trek Voyager ).
For the Ahmed Zaoui story to date, see A2689590
What else? 15 days til Christmas. We have three cards already, and 50% of our shopping has been done.
The weather is sunny but absurdly windy - I've been out for 3 hours, and man, (woman too) it's blowing a gale out there!
15 days to go/15 days til
/15 days til the big fat fella comes down your chimney/and gives you presents/and drinks your
/15 days to
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Latest reply: Dec 10, 2004
Rainy summer days - 1st December 2004
Posted Nov 30, 2004
Ah, now for my monthly (unless something interesting comes up) journal entry.
It purports to be the first day of summer - to which I can only say "yeah - right..."
Cloudy, they call it - 'overcast' and drizzling. Off to the dentist this morning (oh, joy!) and then home via the bank. These are the "holidays", I know it's early, but that's life in the educational field, segment, industry? (One must avoid cliches...)
Jim has come to the end of his high schooling - and it's off to University next year. He is making the big leap to tertiary education, and he is very focused and somewhat organised. The big Leavers' Dinner was last night, they ate butter chicken, fish and cake with 'creme anglaise'. I am told it was good. On Friday 26th November, he went to an 18th birthday party, and watched many of his friends get rat-faced. That's one of the delights of *not* drinking alcohol.
The Ukraine situation is as yet, short of a disaster, but for how much longer? My friend Richard had a mother who came from there, and we were discussing the issue the other night. He thinks the whole country is going to fragment because of this. He may well be right.
Iraq continues to be an outpost of Hell, especially Fallujah, and there ain't a single thing we the people can do about it.
I have a bulging envelope of newspaper clippings from the last 3 years, and it's getting more and more full. I discovered some very interesting things just the other day, an article about passive smoking (interesting indeed, that one ) and some more about Iraq, the beginning of sabre-rattling at Iran, and various other "things that make you go Mmmm".
Current favourite - Caroline - Fleetwood Mac. (Has anyone ever really listened to the
Best book of 2004, up to the end of November - "Iron Grail", by Robert Holdstock.
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Latest reply: Nov 30, 2004
Mourning - 4th November 2004
Posted Nov 3, 2004
Jim has gone off to school to study, and Bush has won! Or so everyone thinks... Kerry has even conceded defeat. I do not believe it! - oh, it's complicated and Ohio is still undecided!
03 November 2004. 1ZB at 14.30 had Kerry leading comfortably. Pacific at 15.00 had Bush leading comfortably. BBC says it's all up in the air. Republicans are legally attempting to delay counting absentee ballots until Thursday ,i.e., our Friday.
Scr*w you says Al Franken, when abused by a Republican.
Could all this lead to the civil war John Titor predicted? Odd. The BBC says it looks as if Bush has the popular vote. How is this possible? Jim says don't despair but it's hard not to.
4th Nov. '04. At 07.00 this morning, 91ZM claimed victory on behalf of Bush, they sounded so happy! We switched to the BBC WS and Kerry did conceded defeat, though Ohio is still undeclared! I am stunned! Edwards said "it's not over yet" but even the BBC seem to have accepted it. With what Scandrea said had happened to her friend, it should certainly not be over yet! If W., did win the popular vote, fraud is the only explanation...
On top of all this, I got a phone call this morning about Garth and the endless difficulties continue... So, the word 'mourning' really is quite apposite. It's a lovely sunny day, but you'd never think so here inside.
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Latest reply: Nov 3, 2004
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