This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!
Researcher U1025853 Started conversation Mar 8, 2005
I wanted to say I support you through what is going on with these so called 'della wars'
I used to be Kaz but changed my u space, we have met a little in convos.
I couldn't believe what happened last year, mistakes were made all round I guess, but once your brother died, I had hoped the aggro would die. Out of respect at least.
And it all starts again on the anniversary, I am so sorry you are going through this. Today of all days.
I note people like Hoo changes their name all the time, so who cares? I do not have the strength you have to get into rows with them, I would rather avoid them.
Anyway, good luck with dealing with h2g2 and more importantly your real life. I hope you feel better after this first anniversary, they are always the hardest.
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Mar 8, 2005
Thank you, Sorrel (I didn't realise you used to be Kaz!) I appreciate your support, and it is so nice of you to come and tell me...
I am better now than I was yesterday (which was the anniversary of the funeral.) No doubt, I will keep getting better, as will the rest of my family, but the sympathy and help of people like you and abbi normal is so valuable and wonderful!
The sooner the Della Wars end, very much the better! Hoo scares me and I want to try to avoid him except in a proper convo, where he doesn't get weird! (It has happened, maybe once...)
See ya around!
Researcher U1025853 Posted Mar 9, 2005
Hi Vicky
there were a few Kaz's though, I had a naughty green imp on my u-space. I am thinking though of bringing the names together.
It seems there isn't much else going on at the moment except 'that' convo, its getting quite boring on h2g2 at present.
I don't understand why they are continually denigrating your behaviour, none of us are perfect. I am myself here, warts and all, I have emotional/psychological problems and don't deal with stuff well at all sometimes. That according to that lot would be a bad thing on here, where we seem to have to be always in complete control, completely research everything we ever say, never voice an opinion. Its dreadful and not something I can do, whats so wrong with opinions anyway?
Sorry, went off on one then, I hope h2g2 gets better feel soon and I hope you are okay and not taking this to heart, cause I would be if it was me.
Researcher U1025853 Posted Mar 9, 2005
'Ive see some of the things you have been pulled on and Ive felt its been more a misunderstanding about there critique of your post than an outright attack on you.'
There is more than one Kaz here BTW
I can't comment on anything Vicky might have said. I was here to offer support as she is going through a painful anniversary, I find death very difficult to deal with, and I certainly wouldn't cope with what has been said on h2g2 if I was going through such a date myself. I think people coping with death need a break, thats what I was trying to offer. I do not want to discuss the 'wars' here or specific things that have been said, arn't there enough convos going around to deal with that? Even if Vicky said some inappropriate things, she also deserves some sympathy for losing a brother.
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Mar 9, 2005
Hi, Kaz/Sorrel... (I see Blicky has come along and tainted this conversation... It goes without saying that I haven't said the things he says I said - especially about immigrants, hang it all, I work with them!
Sigh... I wasn't taking it to heart, but I am now, after seeing that. There's been a lot of stuff going on in RL this week, and I was preoccupied with that, now this. It's hard...
Thank you again, for your support, I appreciate it so much.
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Mar 9, 2005
<<"The best thing to do with the homeless and assylum seekers is to deprot them or kill them if they dont want to go somewhere else">>
Blicky, I am so angry with you! You know full well, that not only did I not say what you quote above, I have said the precise opposite! I defy you to show where I said that the homeless or asylum seekers should be deported or killed. You can't show where I said that, because I didn't! If you claim I did, you are a liar. That's it, pure and simple. How dare you!
Researcher U1025853 Posted Mar 10, 2005
Vicky, don't take it to heart.
I know I would though, its so difficult.
Its obvious we can't have a convo here without people butting in, so please feel free to email me at [email protected]
Jordan Posted Mar 10, 2005
<quote><quote>'Im sorry that you feel that way kaz , but I dont denigrate vicky/della for no reason.'
Indeed, since she was strongarmed into apologising, and hasn't said anything remotely controversial, you have no reason to denigrate her at all.
'Its like this:
'"white people are violent racists"
'How do you feel about the above comment?
'"The best thing to do with the homeless and assylum seekers is to deprot them or kill them if they dont want to go somewhere else"'
I'd like to politely point out that it is NOT like that, because Vicky never said those things. Your analogies also both refer to racism, which (as you're quite aware) is a touchy subject to Vicky, so they're bound to upset her. Use a little delicacy!
'Now if you you want to say things like that you have to expect come back even if its someone saying you should look a little deeper into things than say what you think is the "best answer"'
But that's not what the 'Della Wars' are about. The 'Della Wars' are about Della saying whatever she says (whether it's reasonable and innocuous, or a collection of spiteful, homophobic lies and generalisations, it doesn't make a difference) and several researchers jumping on her. It might look to you like reasonable discussion, but it upsets a number of researchers to have perfectly normal, reasonable conversations disturbed by people intent on beating other people with a stick. They find it very unpleasant, and it may well be putting people off participating -- I know I'd be intimidated, and several others have said the same!
If it were nothing more than people inviting Vicky to 'look a little deeper', it would be fine.
- Jordan
Researcher U1025853 Posted Mar 10, 2005
Hi Jordan
I have been reading te Della Wars thread and I have read that she often says unsubstantiated things, which is a big problem for the others involved. It seems that opinion is not allowed, unless you have sources to support it.
Ye what Blicky said above is very unsubstantiated, it seems there are separate rules for Vicky (where she has to provide proof for everything she says) and the others (who apparently don't have to provide proof and can accuse anyone of anything).
Thanks for the support Jordan, these are confusing and unfair times indeed.
badger party tony party green party Posted Mar 10, 2005
Confusing and unfair for whom?
Im not confused about anything on this thread. I dont even think that me being moderated and then Jordan not being modded for posting the biggest part of what I was modded is unfair. I think it show the fallibilty and basic humanity of the mods and the bias of those who choose to yikes my posts.
Jorda, I never said Vicky/Della said any of those things. What Im tying to get at is that things she has said have illiceted responses in line with what Kaz might feel and think about them.
I was trying to get a point acroos it seems I failed. Its not the first time and probably wont be the last.
one love
badger party tony party green party Posted Mar 10, 2005
To aid a fuller understanding of what i meant I'll repost with greater emphasis on the important parts.
<Im sorry that you feel that way kaz , but I dont denigrate vicky/della
for no reason.
Its like this:
"white people are violent racists"
How do you feel about the above comment?
"The best thing to do with the homeless and assylum seekers is to
deprot them or kill them if they dont want to go somewhere else"
Now if you you want to say things of a similar nature to the above comments you have to expect come back even if its someone saying you should look a little deeper into things than say what you think is the "best answer"
Or if I have an experince where Im attacked by two white policemen its
OK to say white people are violent racists.
Ive see some of the things you have been pulled on and Ive felt its
been more a misunderstanding about there critique of your post than an
outright attack on you.
Glad your still around as Im glad Vicky/della is too.
one love
I apologise for any confusion caused by the use of the phrase *like that* being taken to mean she *said that* what i always meant was *saying things in a similar way*.
It confused you and it confused the mods too. My bad.
Jordan Posted Mar 10, 2005
'It confused you and it confused the mods too. My bad.'
I'm, ah, oh...
Well, I didn't expect that. I've obviously misjudged you.
Thank you.
- Jordan
Jordan Posted Mar 11, 2005
Of course I need to judge you! How else would I decide:
- what topics you like to discuss;
- how not to get your back up ;
- how to get your back up;
- what sort of postings to expect from you, to speed up reading when I only have time to skim.
Judging people is fundamentally important if you want to get on with anyone... or, indeed, know who you are going to/want to get on with.
- Jordan
Jordan Posted Mar 11, 2005
That wink was meant to be next to the third point. You can see why!
- Jordan
Hoovooloo Posted Mar 11, 2005
"I have read that she often says unsubstantiated things, which is a big problem for the others involved. It seems that opinion is not allowed, unless you have sources to support it."
Kaz, tiny point here;
*Opinion* is allowed. As is pointing out that one's opinion may be appalling, bigotted nonsense.
Posting something patently untrue and claiming that it is a fact is something people complain about, however. There is a difference.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Researcher U1025853 (Mar 8, 2005)
- 2: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Mar 8, 2005)
- 3: Researcher U1025853 (Mar 9, 2005)
- 4: badger party tony party green party (Mar 9, 2005)
- 5: Researcher U1025853 (Mar 9, 2005)
- 6: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Mar 9, 2005)
- 7: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Mar 9, 2005)
- 8: Researcher U1025853 (Mar 10, 2005)
- 9: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Mar 10, 2005)
- 10: Jordan (Mar 10, 2005)
- 11: Researcher U1025853 (Mar 10, 2005)
- 12: badger party tony party green party (Mar 10, 2005)
- 13: badger party tony party green party (Mar 10, 2005)
- 14: Jordan (Mar 10, 2005)
- 15: badger party tony party green party (Mar 10, 2005)
- 16: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Mar 10, 2005)
- 17: Jordan (Mar 11, 2005)
- 18: Jordan (Mar 11, 2005)
- 19: Hoovooloo (Mar 11, 2005)
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