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badger party tony party green party Posted Jul 20, 2004
Della said:
Let's see - six people, three of whom are the same person , oh and a seventh, (really 4).
The lot of conflict you've seen me involved in... Maybe that's because a certain Badger keeps following me around and attempting to give me a slapping. Had you not noticed that where he and the three others are absent, there's no conflict?
There are lies damn lies, statistics thens theres what Della says.
Are these people she is talking about perhaps Peckish, or one of the people named in this thread : F71014?thread=196527
How can you blame for us for things that have happened to you repeatedly and before many of us joined?
Yes there is a growing band of the Della fan club, but membership is very loose and open to anyone who has been annoyed or libled by you which is a lot of people and the number is growing.
Probably because of stuff like this:
On second thoughts, probably you haven't. You go where they go, you think as they think. But unlike the aforementioned Badger(s) you are sweetly, patronisingly, 'I' statement about it. Too much time at University maybe?
Both needlessly condeming and inaccurate at the same time.
Della you go where we go. You are anti-Bush, anti-capitalist and like science fiction.Though restassured no one would ever say you had spent too much time at university.
OK you dont think like we do but you rarely show much sign of thinking anyway.
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Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit Posted Jul 20, 2004
The Adelaide guise says, "You're so closed-minded there's no point in talking to you"
A comment that says more about you than about me, I'm afraid. I'm not the one embroiled in controversy right now, with people attacking me from all sides. People have often attacked my points, but rarely have they attacked my debating style. I even get compliments from people who disagree with me. Do you?
And the Bain guise of the same person says, "He can't help it, he's a libertarian."
Which is a very closed-minded thing to say, although it does fit the pattern of all the stereotyping things the Adelaide guise has said, and really just further proves my point above.
But if you really want to call me closed-minded, then I allow you to consider the FFFF, and the environment there, with all the different people and all their different religious views coming together in such a spirit of openness and tolerance that even a particular insufferable know-it-all who lacks the most fundamental grasp of intellectual discourse isn't tossed out on her ear. Then take a look at the FFFF page and see who founded it.
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Hoovooloo Posted Jul 21, 2004
I'm amused to find this going on.
Hi Blatherskite!
Even by Adelaide/Della/Adele/Debbie's standards, this one's a doozy:
"®™©, and RtmC, not much resemblance"
Of all the things I and others have accused Adelaide/Della/Adele/Debbie of in the past, actual blindness is a new one. Is she seriously suggesting that she can't see the resemblance here? I guess it must run in the family, because:
"®™© and RtmC are so unalike that I find it very difficult to belive that wasn't intentional"
Compare and contrast:
1. An R in a circle, and an R.
2. A t and an m, and a t and an M
3. A C in a circle, and a C.
These are UNALIKE?
What f**king planet are these people on?
BTW Blatherskite, I'm not sure if you're up on the actual explanation of this thing about Della's/my multiple accounts. You may remember I've had quite a few alternate identities here on h2g2 (Violent Duplicity, later Frumious Bandersnatch, Satyaselfdownandhaveacuppa, fenceblossomboy, etc.). None of those accounts have been active for well over a year, the last one going dormant as a result of the sudden disappearance of a certain Edited Guide entry to do with camcorders
Shortly after that, a person known to me IRL joined here as a result of offline conversations, and used the screenname "Member". As far as I know, that's the ONLY screenname he ever used, and the only account he ever operated. Della thinks he's me. In this, as in so many other things, she's wrong. His activities here came to my attention, and I asked him to stop. As far as I know, he has. As far as I know, he has no other accounts here, and never has had.
Now I freely admit having covertly used multiple identities for satirical effect in the past. However, I absolutely have not done so in conversations with Adele/Della/Adelaide. Why would I? It's not as if one needs cunning tactics to make her look judgemental, irrational and stupid. You just need to ask her a question.
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Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Posted Jul 21, 2004
Arf, arf, it amuses me when Della so blatantly lies and makes it easy. So just before I spend ages digging up the links to prove it are you standing by your statement that you never claimed that you and Adele were different people?
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Hoovooloo Posted Jul 21, 2004
Go on FB, dig 'em up, you know you want to. (Although to some extent I don't know why you bother - is there anyone on h2g2 who doesn't treat Della/Adele/Adelaide/Debbie as a liar by default? Other than her whelps, I mean?
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azahar Posted Jul 21, 2004
As far as I remember, FB, it was on the PBA thread where Adele referred to another 'sister' who had had an abortion. And shortly after that - oh, this was sometime early January on the god thread - Della posted there that she and Adele were actually sisters. It was shortly after that, when Della started a thread called 'War' on my PS, somewhat talking bizarrely about how Adele had been attacked so badly that Adele felt she had been forced to leave hootoo. As if Adele were a seperate entity.
Most confusing-making to be sure.
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Hoovooloo Posted Jul 21, 2004
Oh, one other thing Blatherskite:
Regarding identities, I know it's confusing when the people you're dealing with are so congenitally dishonest, but do allow me to point out something I *think* you've got wrong:
"Bain" is, I believe, NOT the same person as "Adelaide".
"Adelaide" has been known here as "Della", "Debbie" and "Adele", at different times and under different accounts. She has specifically denied that these different identities were the same person, then later retracted the denial, then later denied the denial.
"Bain" is, I believe, Adelaide/Della/Adele/Debbie's older son, who has also operated accounts here under the names "Wraith", "Apparition", "RtmC" (whatever) and at one stage as a form of harassment-by-impersonation, "blickybadger". Hilariously, this latter ploy was actually interpreted by his mother as harassment of HER by the VICTIM of the impersonation. It was around that time, I understand, that she threatened, apparently (she said) seriously, to have him (blickybadger) killed. "Bain" denies being related to Adelaide/Della/Adele/Debbie, but then Apparition denied being Wraith and Adele denied being Della. Suffice to say his behaviour, intelligence level, interests, tactics and manner of conversation are 100% consistent with the previous demonstrated behaviour of Apparition/Wraith/RtmC/blickyimpersonator. You can decide for yourself whether his protestations of unconnectedness with Adelaide/Della/Adele/Debbie are credible.
Adelaide/Della/Adele/Debbie has another son, a rather violent, immature boy with a disturbed fantasy life (he seems obsessed with the infliction of physical torture and pain) who also has an account here under the name "Math Wizard". I am unaware of any other accounts operated by him, and I don't know if he still posts here.
I hope this clears up any confusion.
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Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit Posted Jul 21, 2004
I only came over here to give someone a severely overdue piece of my mind, and I find myself in the middle of this. I must say, though, that I am enjoying the show.
Hoo: Thanks for all the background information. Why is it we only seem to come together in the middle of these little dramas?
Whether Bain is Della's IRL son or another persona of Della is, to me, immaterial. Bain/Wraith/Apparition has always had that same irrational "debate" style as Della/Adele/Adelaide/etc, and Bain is clearly acting as her sock puppet in this episode. Whether he is a living or imaginary sock puppet makes no difference. I find it simpler to treat all of them as if they were the same person.
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badger party tony party green party Posted Jul 21, 2004
This would be much more of aguilty pleasure but as the NZdebate squad as they were sometime known have been fully and repeatedly told how to avoid such respnses I have no qualms about watching these little
trying to peck crumbs sellotaped to the inside of the window.
In the words of Ferrett have lost ocunt of the times Ive told, suggested and explained things to them
Bro that is one of the funniest and most appropriate Freudian typos ever
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- 41: Researcher 724267 (Jul 20, 2004)
- 42: badger party tony party green party (Jul 20, 2004)
- 43: Researcher 724267 (Jul 20, 2004)
- 44: Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit (Jul 20, 2004)
- 45: Hoovooloo (Jul 21, 2004)
- 46: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Jul 21, 2004)
- 47: Hoovooloo (Jul 21, 2004)
- 48: azahar (Jul 21, 2004)
- 49: Hoovooloo (Jul 21, 2004)
- 50: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Jul 21, 2004)
- 51: Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit (Jul 21, 2004)
- 52: badger party tony party green party (Jul 21, 2004)
- 53: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Jul 21, 2004)
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