My Intro Thing

Hi there and welcome, pandimensional people of every splendour and itch! (Non-people welcome where not prohibited by law.)

I am just getting ready to take the dogs for a walk, pay some bills, dodge certain creditors and join the cyberspatial froods here.

About me:

Nothing much. I generally do my thing and am rarely stopped by police in so doing it. Obeying the law is, of course, just A-OK by me. Gosh, that sounds so very swell. ;-)

Yes. That is a very good answer, because good people have nothing to hide and today's intergalactic police force is comprised of some of the most thoughtful, caring, professional people in the business who have only the interest of pure, errorless, unswerving justice at heart. Thank you, citizen. You may carry on now.

-- Officer Friendly, Intergalactic Public Relations Committee

Please excuse that brief interruption. The squatter has been forced to join a MENSA love-in transmission.

When I am not doing research for the Guide, I am juggling thoughts in a creative cacophony elsewhere, making music and amusing anecdotes somewhere near" > and" > -- feel invited.

Anyway, read what interests you at the moment and have a fine and productive work day, making management prouder every single day to even know you -- unless you can possibly avoid it.



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Hello... Jun 19, 2001


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we want a marijuana smiley! Aug 3, 2002 Oct 31, 2004
OzzFest 2001 Jun 21, 2001 No Replies


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Researcher Ken Gage

Researcher U179634


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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