This is the Message Centre for Researcher Ken Gage


Post 1

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Hi there and welcome to h2g2! My name is Amy and I'm an ACE, or assistant community editor, here at the Guide. I and my fellow ACEs go around greeting people that are new to the Guide, as well as helping them get used to the way it functions. One of the ways we do that latter is by posting links that are within the Guide (ones outside of the BBC site are taken out, fyi). Here's a page full of other links which are helpful to new people:

If there's anything you need, please don't hesistate to let me know by either responding to this message or by leaving me a note over at my user space, . See you around the Guide and enjoy!

~Amy ACE (Keeper of Wolves, Muse of Procrastinating Novelists, High Priestess of Thing)

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