
Deer Hitchhikers!!

I really loved Douglas Adam's hitchhiker-books and I was happy to see he realized the first step of his draem in this Internet-Site.

I was born in 1975 in Berlin/Germany.

I hope to find some time to contribute to the guide with an article. I thought it would be a good idea to write something about Berlin, because I happen to live and study here, and I think it's a good thing for travlers to get to know anything of how the people living at the visited place see their placce and maybe lern some of the secrets.
So, in the next holiday I'll try to tell you about VIEWS OF BERLIN FROM HIGH PLACES, YOU CAN VISIT FOR FREE!!!

If you happen to be from Berlin, or if you happen to know places, that would fit into such an article, please help me with my research and tell me about it - or even better: Write the article and then tell me about it...!!!
So far I've thought of the TU skyskraper at the Ernst-Reuter-Platz, about the Carité-skyscraper, the Benjamin-Franklin Hospital and the Steglitzer Kreisel.

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Hola, Nilsibärchen!.. Jun 19, 2001


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Costa Rica Nov 2, 2001 Dec 17, 2001


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