This is the Message Centre for nilsibaerchen

Hola, Nilsibärchen!..

Post 1

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*sweeping in *

Welcome to h2g2!smiley - angel

I am one of the h2g2 ACEs (Assistant Community Editor) and also one of the h2g2 Guardian Angels, and we are here to help newcomers.
If you have any questions, just feel free to ask me!

Great idea for an entry! I tried the 'Search' function, and it seems no one has yet had an edited ('official') entry on Berlin, and definitely from your point of view..smiley - winkeye

ACEs' home page:

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If you would like to find out more about the smileys, just click on this one ---> smiley - biggrin and it will take you to the h2g2 smiley page!


Post 2


Thanks a lot for the warm welcome!

So far I think, this h2g2-idea is great and I enjoyed it so far. Is it common to ask the other researchers to help one with the collection of data for an article and to tell the others about the topic, or do you think, it isn't a good idea, to write a forecast, before it's done?

And will there be only one entry about each city in the edited guide? Because, I think, it might be usefull to visitors, to get to know something about the topic I'm planing to write an article on, but of course, there will be hundreds of other importend things about Berlin...


Post 3

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Well, it works like this:

You can write as many articles as you want to, and those can be found by anyone visiting your user page, but if you want it sort of 'published' (to become an Edited Entry, and put up on the h2g2 front page among 'Latest entries') you'll need to put it up for Peer Review - click on the 'Contribute' button, and you'll find a lot of useful info about that!smiley - smiley

There are many ways to collect data - is this for the article on Berlin? Because, in that case, I'd advice you to visit Kasia, she'll help you get in touch with German researchers:

If you really want to explore a subject thoroughly, you might want to join 'University of Life' - and you'll find more about that behind the 'Contribute' button.

Good luck with the writing!smiley - angel

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