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Velcro Walljumping and other important issues.

Post 1

Dancer (put your advert here)

Hi, I saw you like Velcro Walljumping. I read your entry on it, congrads on it being recommended, I enjoyed it. I didn't know of the sport, sounds like fun.

Anyway, I am a Dancer in a contemporarry Dance group, and in one Performance we jump on a velcro wall and then peal off our cloths and leave them on the wall as we continue to dance.

If you want to see a velcro wall we use in our performances, just go to my homepage and to my Dance entry (Unedited). There's a link to a photo Album there, and you can see us and lated our cloths hanging on the wall in the last pictures (something like the last 15) of the "DanceParty+Zachacha" Album.

smiley - hsif

Velcro Walljumping and other important issues.

Post 2

Dancer (put your advert here)

Also, I enjoyed your page a lot and the "Complete lyrics to 99 bottle of beer" entry you researched smiley - cool (even hung a new thread off the entry, you can go see).

smiley - hsif

Velcro Walljumping and other important issues.

Post 3

Dancer (put your advert here)

OH !!!
And I almost forgot!

The reason I got to you in the first place was to congratulate you on starting collage and wish you a lot of fun, knowledge and luck.

Cheers smiley - cheers,
smiley - hsif

Velcro Walljumping and other important issues.

Post 4


Thank you Dancersmiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - smiley

I'm glad you enjoyed the entrysmiley - biggrin

I'll have to check out your wall

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