Journal Entries


Let emptiness be your friend.
Empty your mind.
Empty your bank account.
Empty a bottle.

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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2001

Norse Gods and their powers.

Okay, the entry isn't going to be about any Norse Gods (except possibly Thor). The fact is that I'm just bored. Management decided that my backup needed some training in doing my job, so he's doing my job, while I'm backup for him, since he's doing my job.

Anyways. Thor was a powerful god in Norse mythology, but I think of him as a rather short person, maybe 5'9" or something.

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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2001

Flag football and other stuff

First, I'll have to say that Saturday was bloody brilliant. I might be saying that just because I kicked British butt in the LaserQuest, but that was only a part of it. The evening asa whole was most excellent.

That made the day after seem a heck of a lot tougher, though. Had to be back in Greenock by 10 at the latest, which initially meant that I had to be up at 8am and head for the train station and the 8:40am train. As fate had it, I managed to get hold of a pal that was also heading for Greenock and I could hitch a ride with him.

The Falg game we played once we got to Greenock was fun, even if it was really windy and passing the ball was dificult (not that I did any passing, but still). And since it had been raining the night before and earlier in the morning, the pitch was not in the best of conditions. But it was still fun.

I'm at work, waiting to get to go for lunch, and that's why I'm writing this. No other reason,m there's no actual point to the entry as such, and I have nothing more to say. So there.smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2001


I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been waiting for this vacation for about a month, now, and when I finally get some time off, it takes me three says of vacation before I'm utterly bored.
And it doesn't really help that I don't have any money to do anything, and no friends that have any time off at the same time.

Now I'm just wating to get to go back to Sweden for a few weeks to eet my family. It'll probably take me about three says to get bored of being there as well. *sigh*

Arrgh.. I don't like this. Time off from work is no fun if you can't spend it with someone. Time off from work spent on your own gets really old, really fast.

I'm going to bed.

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Latest reply: Oct 21, 2001

Holidays looming....

8 working hours left until I'm off on a long awaited holiday. It's been 11 months and a week since I last had more then one day off from work, and I can't wait to kick back and just relax. I've got almost for weeks of vacation, of which I'll spend two weeks in Sweden, visiting my family.

This would mean that I won't be in here that much for a while, but I will pop in every now and then, just to see what's going on.

Back at work again on the 14th of November. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Oct 16, 2001

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