Name: Sharon
Age: Thirty-one (ooh that's scary!)
Location: Hertfordshire
Hello and welcome to my page. I'd better start by telling you who I am and what I do...
At the moment I'm aiming to give up working altogether and start writing for a living. This, unfortunately, is dependent upon being able to sell my first novel (which is in the hands of my agent - no luck yet in Britain, but maybe one day i'll be 'Huge in Hamburg'.) I should also settle down and finish my second novel - a comedy/romance - involving alot of stuff that could really wind-up a few busybodied God-bothering types.
My other interests are: the paranormal, ancient civilisations, the origins of the human race, travel, cinema and food.
I'd love to enter into discussions about any of the above.
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
If you're going... | May 25, 2001 | Jun 21, 2003 |
So long and thanks... | May 21, 2001 | Aug 11, 2001 |
Welcome Salmon... | May 22, 2001 | Jun 4, 2001 |
Nice work | May 30, 2001 | No Replies |
Thanks | May 24, 2001 | No Replies |
Researcher U177632
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."