Stalking the Purple House Sparrow

The Sparrow is found primarily sporting black plumage though it has been known to appear in various shades of purple during molting season. Characteristics such as an erect carriage, auburn crest plumage falling well past the thorax and an alert, quizzical demeanor will assist the observer in distinguishing this species from the myriad others which abound in the scrub and brush of the high desert.
The Sparrow has been spotted across a wide geographic range. Extensive sightings were reported in Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Florida, Vermont, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada and, most recently, Southern Idaho. It is generally accepted that the Sparrow prefers temperate climates, becoming irritable in tropical zones and desparate in arctic regions.
The Sparrow is most often seen pecking away at a computer. Other activities include pecking away at a piano, plucking the strings of a guitar with it's beak, sewing new nesting material and feathery coverings and consorting with rodents. As the Sparrow is an elusive, often reclusive bird, little more is known of its daily habits. Scholars debate the circadian cycles of the Sparrow -- some hold it to be diurnal while others stake their reputations on its nocturnal nature. A new trend has recently appeared amongst scholars who posit a non-synchronous rhythm which appears nocturnal at a certain phase and diurnal at another.
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