Lo all


My name is Athon Solo. In RW I'm 18 yo living in Kent, UK. In my spare time I am currently dabbling in Linux, playing Planetarion (www.planetarion.com), Quake 3 (+ TA & mods) and UT, learning Visual C++ and DirectX and setting up a LAN at my house (& getting Cable Modem end of June!) :-)

During the past couple of years I have been working for Smart-Decision.Net (www.smart-decision.net) as a website designer, but I am currently looking for another job because they don't have enough income to keep me on.

Most people who know me would describe me as a geek - because I am, and I'm proud of it. My programming experiance to date includes: QBASIC, BASIC, BBC BASIC, LOGO (ahem! Only in primary school but I was the best in my school at it), Visual BASIC (DO NOT USE IT! Makes learning C/C++ HELL!), C/C++ making mods for Quake series of games, Visual C++ (very little as yet), VBA and Perl/CGI scripting. Of course, I know JavScript as well, but I only use it when necessary.

My currrent wesites are:

Team Arena.Net: http://www.teamarena.net" >http://www.teamarena.net (or http://www.teamarena.org" >http://www.teamarena.org soon)
This site has not been updated for a while because of my A-Levels, but will be soon.

Ashford Youth Forum: http://go.to/ashfordyouth" >http://go.to/ashfordyouth (soon to have its own domain)
This is a constant project, and will be undergoing a redesign within the next few months to incorporate more features and make it easier for other members of the forum to edit - especially once I have left.

My CV site: http://i.am/allenbrooker" >http://i.am/allenbrooker (soon to be available on http://www.brooker.gb.net/allen" >http://www.brooker.gb.net/allen as well)
This is another recent project. It will also be undergoing a redesign to incorporate some more sections I want to add.

All of my websites are simple in design for several reasons. First, it makes them easier to read. Second, I try to make all my websites viewable by all, including those who have to use screen readers or their own style sheets becuase of sight problems. These are also the reasons I haven't bothered to learn Flash yet.

Flash is a useful tool, but it is far too often used incorrectly, although I partly blame the steep learning curve on it for this (I've had a couple of goes at it - but they failed 'cause I was only messing about), but even many professional sites are made impossible to use by their use of Flash - often needlessly.

Another rant I have is people who used fixed width tables to layout their websites. This is totally needless, and means that when I use my 17 inch monitor to browse the web, I generally have to shift my chair & keyboard to the left to make it more comfortable. Using % widths is very easy and there is no excuse not to do it!

I think a short paragraph about my religious beliefs are in order now. In the recent UK census I put down my religion as Jedi - why? because I believe in their belief system. I am currently into researching differnet belief systems, and have found that the idea of The Force actually comes from a belief system called QiGong (do you think thats where Lucas got the Jedi Master's name from?). I basically believe that there is no God or gods and that if the Bible and other religious books are telling truths, then they people mentioned in them like Jesus, etc. were either Humans born with a natural capacity to access areas of their mental abilities that we currently cannot or were simple magicians, or they could possibly be Aliens (yes, I do believe in Aliens - why else would I be in the top 10% of SETI@Home users!), but I think that the likelyhood of many scrolls from thousands of years coming together like that is very slim.


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Rather Cynical? May 17, 2001 Jan 29, 2006
Towel Day May 25 May 16, 2001 May 16, 2001
Exams! May 16, 2001 No Replies


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Athon Solo

Researcher U175837


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