This is the Message Centre for blubuster

Welcome Blubuster!

Post 1

Existential Elevator


I'm an <./>ACE</.> and I'm here to <./>welcome</.> you to h2g2!
You're going to absolutely love it here, there's just so much to do! smiley - smiley
I generally recommend having a look at A719840 (which has lots of useful info for finding your way around) or A632431 (which breaks down all the slang and terms we use around this site smiley - smiley) for a more in depth explaination of the site. Check out A690518 for help on how to get your userspace loking fine and dandy smiley - smiley If you're a smiley person, there's a full smiley index at <./>smileys</.>

You might well also be interested in having a look at Douglas Adam's userspace, U42smiley - smiley

If you have any problems or questions, just ask by clicking the reply button. I'm happy to help smiley - biggrin


smiley - bluebutterfly

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Welcome Blubuster!

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