A little about me...I guess

This must be about me because I'm writting it. Well, I could write it about somebody else, but I'm not because this is supposed to be an introduction of myself to you, whoever you may be. Maybe I'll write something about you sometime, but neither of us will know it because I don't know who you are, and other than this brief and all to nonsensical introduction, you do not know me.

I suppose I can write something serious now. Let me see.

Okay, so I'm a student at the University of Washington in Seattle. It's rather strange being home for the summer, not quite having a room of my own any more, and therefore not quite having a true home here. My room at the University changes every year, and therefore isn't quite a home either. I feel a connection with both my home town, Longview, WA, because my family is here, and Seattle because I just love the city. It's like I have two homes, but neither is quite a full home, but I'm certain that each is more than half. So, I have more than one home, but not quite two. Strange, this whole business of homes is.

I'm studying Oceanography, but I want to go to medical school to be, what else, a medical doctor. Well, I haven't really done much studying of Oceanography yet. You see, they are so desperate to get people into the field, that they will accept anyone into that major. I'll be a senior after this next quarter at school, and I'll only have taken one class on Oceanography. I enjoy the subject thuroughly, and chose it in the hopes of studying something slightly interesting and fun on my way to medical school rather than taking the boring "pre-med" route that so many tend to take. I'll have to study everything that the pre-meders do, but I'll get to study other fun things too, with the support of a very large and well funded department.

I was going through the pictures that are available for use in h2g2, and I thought this one represents me a lot of the time since I am a university student. Well, with one key difference. I am not a girl.
A girl asleep at a computer

This is far more drawn out than it was supposed to be, but there is still a great deal about me that you don't know (and that rightfully should be included in an introduction to my person). Tell you what, try to get a hold of me, and if you can, then we can get to know each other better.


Brandon "Likes His Eggs Well Done" Knox

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