This is the Message Centre for cynthesis

Cynthesis - get well soon

Post 61


I hope you are okay hun.

Cynthesis - get well soon

Post 62


*worries* Take care hun, thinking of you.

Cynthesis - get well soon

Post 63

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Please let us know how you are! smiley - grovel

The waiting really hurts!!!

smiley - love


smiley - musicalnote

Cynthesis - get well soon

Post 64

Malabarista - now with added pony

Any news? smiley - erm

Cynthesis - get well soon

Post 65

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Mal...

Not been good on the update front... smiley - sorry

The main reason is because I don't know what I can disclose and what I can't.

So here is what I feel I can safely disclose!

She is improving, smiley - biggrin but has had ups and downs smiley - sadface, including additional periods insmiley - bluelight hospital.

To make matters worse, if that were truly possible, she has had a close family member die. smiley - rosesmiley - peacedovesmiley - brave

I really feel for her, and it puts my mediocre problems into perspective!

It is on occasions like this I wish I had a faith to fall back on to give support... Instead I just use smiley - zen and smiley - love

It's all I have!!! smiley - sadface

Come back to us soon Cyn! I really miss you! smiley - grovelsmiley - smooch

A friend who wants to do more! smiley - kiss


smiley - musicalnote

Cynthesis - get well soon

Post 66


Thank you so much for the information, Mazin'MadFiddler!!!! I've been so very worried about her.

Cynthesis - get well soon

Post 67

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, send my best wishes to her! smiley - rainbow

And thanks for keeping us updated.

Cynthesis - get well soon

Post 68

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Sent her our smiley - lovesmiley - cuddles and lots of smiley - choc

lil xx

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