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A little night music...
cynthesis Posted Feb 6, 2010
C h o c o l a t e ! ! !
WILE E. !!!!!!!
I've missed you!!!!
It's been terrible not being able to ... *sniffle* with you ...*pout*...
use profuse over the top smileys with you... and ...and...
*giggles* I'm so glad to see you've returned and didn't have any problems with the new sign-in thingummy!
Are you all settled in over there? Did you like the snow? Are you meeting lots of "interesting" types of people? Have you been up to anything new, musically? How are your Mum, Dad, cat, dog, SS, UF ...? Is the job coming along well for you? Have you been doing any travelling? What music have you been listening to lately?Have you missed my typos? Is the canteen food at the new w*rkplace getting any better?
Do you like your new digs? Have you remembered to say NO to vodka? What's the weather like there now?What did you have for lunch? What are you going to do tonight? Aren't you glad that I'm not asking you any more questions than I would have, because I thought I'd be merciful during this interrogation? Hmmm? What say you?
It's raining over here. The threat of mudslide is something I'll have to address today. I've got another cat -a wild cat, that can say: "baba - baba- babaloooooooooo". You must save me from the evil grip of Facebook. I made last night and I may have some for breakfast- that's how exciting things are over here. List Guys are still up to no good. Cousins are holding a high stakes bet on how long they can go without playing a prank on me. It is scary...I don't know when one of them will break and I'll be back to diving for effigies in the pool, covered with tin foil, or fearing what voodoo shrine may be lurking in the attic. Other than that, all is fine here.
I hope you're having a brilliant Saturday.
And I hope to see you here and elsewhere a bit more than of late.
I'm going to run off with that now.
Love, biiiiiiiig monkey hugs and kissy fits,
A little night music...
Wile E Quixote Posted Feb 8, 2010
Hi Cyn
The chocolate teapot worked! At first I wondered what it could be used for, but then I realised what it was for – luring you!
Lovely to hear from you again, dear. I guess I’ve been too busy to spend much time online over the last few months, and I’ve kind of enjoyed spending more time away from the internet doing RL things, but I’ve really missed you.
I didn’t mind the snow so much – quite fun to drive in and I got a day off work. It’s the cold I hate! I’ve never known such a long period of sub-minus temperatures! Also, the heating in my flat isn’t very good (non existent in my bedroom), so December and January weren’t very comfortable. It went down to -17C in Oxford one night!
Although the snow was fun, it was nice to see it melt after having it on the ground for over two weeks. Once I could see the green of the grass peeking through the snow, I realised how starved of colour we’d been over that period. It reminded me of a novel I read a few years back called To The White Sea, in which the protagonist had grown up in the Alaskan wilderness. He recounts how his father had coped with the colourless winter environment by painting the back wall of their cabin bright red. After my couple of weeks in the snow, I could totally understand why you’d do that if you lived in a snowy environment.
The job is going well. I was told that it would take at least a year to learn the ins and outs of it, and that was no exaggeration. I’m confronted with problems I have no idea how to solve with great regularity, but I’ve got used to it and I find it more interesting than daunting. It was demanding at first, and I was collapsing with exhaustion every evening when I got home, but I manage to stay conscious past 9pm now, which is an improvement!
The canteen food is disgusting. I’d love to see a foodie like yourself sit down and eat a meal from there! I’ve given up and feed myself at work. A Thai salad with strips of cucumber, mint leaves, lots of sesame seeds and chillies today. Yum!
I like Oxford. I did a few touristy things in the first few months here, visiting some Colleges and the Ashmolean Museum when it reopened. Now I’m starting to feel settled in with the job and my new home, I’m going to try and get out a bit more and see more of the place.
Haven’t seen any bands here yet, although I’ve spotted a few good venues. I found some good venues who book decent DJs and I’ve been to a few nights, when SS and UF have been down here.
As I haven’t gotten to know many people here so far, I’ve been heading out of town most weekends, visiting friends and family. The weekend before last was a big memorial event for a DJ friend of mine in Lincoln, who died over Christmas. He was misdiagnosed with a chest infection and was given antibiotics, but actually had some kind of viral infection. When his health deteriorated, it doesn’t look like he went back for further treatment, and he died of pneumonia at home.
Very sad as it was an entirely avoidable death, but at least we were able to give him a send off he would approve of. UF did most of the organising, and managed to fill the venue with 500 people. They had some very well known DJs booked for the event, and his favourite tune was played a few times over the evening. It just feels strange that I won’t see him again. I used to drop in whenever I passed his way in Lincoln, and he’d always be sat, holding court in his Kitchen, surrounded by boxes of flyers, with a strong smell of coffee and herbal smoke in the air.
Nothing of note to report from the family, which is probably a good thing! Everything seems fairly settled on that front these days. My mum still struggles with regular and debilitating migraines, which is always a concern, but she’s coping better than in recent years.
Cat and Dog are busy being Cat and Dog. I miss them a lot.
Ok, I’ve had enough of talking about myself. You’ll have to grab me another time if I missed anything!
*grabs lamp and turns it around*
I’m drained after that! Just tell me everything.
In particular, tell me what’s going on with your cousins? Did you manipulate them into this bet, or did they do something really bad (and entertaining for onlookers like myself) that guilt-tripped them into such a course of action? I think it’ll be pretty spectacular when they fall off the wagon.
How’s your singing coming along? You had some concerts booked at the end of last year, right? Sorry, can’t remember the details – you know how bad my memory is. It feels strange that I missed some.
Have you managed to start ballet lessons again? How is your instructor? And the Maestro?
Basically, I want you to tell me everything that has happened since the last time we spoke. AND whatever you didn’t tell me then, too!
No, I’m not saving you from Facebook. I’m going nowhere near it!
I created an account a few years back, so I could have a look around, and received a friend request from you recently, but I’m resisting setting up a proper account for myself.
I quite enjoy seeing the shocked look on people’s faces when I tell them I’m not on facebook. *shrugs*
Ok, that’s it for now. I might pop up on yahoo from time to time, if I can stay awake in the evening. It’s nice to be posting to you on this thread again.
Danmit. I can’t remember enough smileys to defend myself against your relentless smiley attacks!
A little night music...
cynthesis Posted Jul 30, 2010
Gee whiz! Thanks for the surprise birthday treats here and the
Thank you for making my birthday such a happy one!
(I got kidnapped by cousins and List Guys -they gave me a huge surprise party at the beach. Instead of throwing me into the ocean, they soaked me with champagne. Of course they gifted me with lots of embarrassing lingerie...grrrrr
It was so lovely to hear from you, Wile E!!!
A little night music...
Wile E Quixote Posted Jul 30, 2010
I would've thrown you in the ocean and saved the champagne for drinking!
You didn't leave any chocolate or cake!
A little night music...
Wile E Quixote Posted Jul 30, 2011
Happy birthday dear. I'm a bit late this year, but I'm hoping you're still in the habit of staying up late, and will catch this before your day is over.
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A little night music...
- 821: Wile E Quixote (Feb 6, 2010)
- 822: cynthesis (Feb 6, 2010)
- 823: Wile E Quixote (Feb 8, 2010)
- 824: Wile E Quixote (Jul 29, 2010)
- 825: Wile E Quixote (Jul 29, 2010)
- 826: cynthesis (Jul 30, 2010)
- 827: Wile E Quixote (Jul 30, 2010)
- 828: Wile E Quixote (Jun 12, 2011)
- 829: Wile E Quixote (Jun 14, 2011)
- 830: Wile E Quixote (Jul 30, 2011)
- 831: cynthesis (Mar 1, 2012)
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