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A Little Night Music
Ellen Posted Mar 19, 2007
The problem, as I see it, is that her brother nicks everything before she has a chance to see it. That happened with the Ray Bradbury book too!
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted Mar 19, 2007
You're ganging up on me now!
I didn't have time to watch a DVD this weekend because I was busy with cousins and critters.
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted Mar 19, 2007
*pokes that tongue-wagging Wile E right back with a Jack Russell terrier ravagedstick...*
Okay,I'll see The Prestige this week. I'll just have to keep it away from my big bro, though.
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted Mar 26, 2007
*aims the zombiemeter
gauge suction device (plungerplungerplunger) straight to his forehead and gets a reading on a pink beeping (Motorola) indicator gizmo that startles her greatly...*
Hello Wile E!
How did your day minus one hour go?
*has to place her foot on his chest for leverage in order to disengage zombiemeter
device from his head*
I was visited by coyotes this morning, as you very well know by now from lurking elsewhere. Well, some of the other neighbours had similar dawn experiences - except that the coyotes turned out to be raccoons and what might have been bears in a couple of instances. So it's
animal alert time
on my block. We'll be back to packing pocket alert sirens and baseball and cricket bats when we go walking again! I'd forgotten how
odd our lifestyle is here, until I had to dig my cricket bat, battery powered torch with a radio and siren, reflective vest, whistles and headlamp out of the front closet this morning.
This could only mean...
that it's truly spring in the canyon!
Ballet class was interesting.
We now have a resident studio kitten!
The instructor hasn't decided upon a name as of yet. We mostly call it Kitty, for now. She's pretty well behaved and stays in the office sunning herself on the window ledge or on top of a file cabinet even though she's got a nice cushy bed with lots of toys and a scratching post condominium...gee whiz is she ever spoiled already!
We're all hoping he doesn't name her some consonant heavy expectorant sounding old country name.
I got a friend request and message on that other site from a Russian male stripper who asked me why I wasn't talking to Mr. S**
Just when I thought I'd heard the last from that particular person-now he's using other people to communicate with me.
Fascinating, yes?
I really liked the looks of that Earthwatch Bahamas holiday. I haven't seen anything too outstanding from the volunteer holiday offerings from Sierra Club and a few university affiliated groups that often schedule interesting locales with ecological/conservation based programmes.
I'm still on the lookout for something that might appeal to you, though.
Have you seen anything else that has caught your eye?
Did you ever look at that company that you went to Southeast Asia with for volunteer holdiday programmes?
See you soon, Wile E!
A Little Night Music
Wile E Quixote Posted Mar 30, 2007
It’s Friday!
Hi Cynth
Look, the suction marks are nearly gone now!
I think the tenor's mini-breakdown and loud regrouping bode well for tonight! Is there a stand in or him?
Those monkeys are very versatile, you know. I think he could do it at a push!
I’m not so sure about the Bahamas holiday, now. Most of the holidays with Earthwatch are for around two weeks and I thought that one was, too, but it’s only for a week, and I want something a bit longer. Amongst the others, I’m tempted by the ones in Madagascar - that would be a really place to visit. There’s one recording the behaviour of Maquacs in Sri Lanka which would be an appropriate one to go on. *monkeygrunt*
I’m going to do some more searching and come to a decision this weekend. I won’t be booking anything this weekend though – I had to cancel my cards tonight.
When I reached for my wallet to pay for my lunch today, my jacket pocket was empty. I’ve searched high and low for it at w**k and at home, but it’s nowhere to be found. I hadn’t used it since lunchtime yesterday and it’s very unusual for me to loose anything important like my keys, wallet, or phone, so I’ve no idea if I’ve dropped it somewhere, or possibly been very silly and left it unattended for an opportunist thief to take.
Did your instructor name the studio since you posted here? It seems like that cat has found the perfect place to inhabit – she’ll have a constant stream of people pampering her, and I bet your instructor will be very attentive.
Anything else interesting to report from MySpace? *sniggers* Anything else to report from Mr Shy et al, or do you seem to have heard the last from him? Have you been keeping your cousins apprised of all your encounters there? They must be feeling very proud of their work!
If I don’t catch you soon, with the performance later on, although I’m very confident that you won’t be needing any. I hope you enjoy yourself, and I’ll be expecting the usual full report!
See you soon, m’dear
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted Apr 18, 2007
*takes a pink feather duster to the quiet and stilled thread...then decides that it would look better as a hair accessory on Wile E.'s head!!!*
Hello Wile E!
*stands back to proudly admire Wile E's pink, fluffy and spectacularly volumised hair...*
That gives the office environment much more architectural balance, structure and needed eye appeal!
*secures the feather duster with some peacock feathered roach clips from a 60's retro head shop...*
All this place needs is a big red BUZZ! button to liven it up, don't you think? it needs just a touch of
Yahoo-mania to make it a bit homier. *sigh*
I ended up having a neighbourhood watch meeting at my place after I talked with you and made that chocolate . A state official with that animal control agency spoke to us about the dangers of feeding wild animals or leaving out food that they could get into the habit of expecting. I couldn't help but
at my
ish looking wildlife video mad neighbours nervously looking anywhere but at the speaker.
The state official praised me for my
, cricket bat, walkie-talkies, pocket siren, whistle and pink mobile telephone.
He seemed to think that I was very serious about
being prepared to deal with wild animal issues. I plied him with more and more
, which seemed to please him...and he was gone.
Then the neighbours broke out the illicit video tape and everyone got very cheery.
Seems like something went *wrong* there...somehow.
Can't quite put my finger on it.
If you've been lurking for a might have noticed that I've been online for a long, late while just now.
My mum fell over in her bedroom and I had to call my big bro to help me pick her up, since I'm not totally recovered from that muscle tear of mine. We got her up eventually. Although I had to keep asking him not to pick her up by the Neck!
Bodies just aren't made to be
grabbed by the Neck and flung onto a bed. Especially 75 year old ones *shudders*
No wonder my cousins voices get very high pitched and quavery when they ring me up on the telephone when I'm out of's these pro wrestling moves of the
big bro that have got them freaked out and
ing...*shrugs* I keep having to remind them that he's really only used to dealing with
fossilised non-living material
I'd better head off to bed now.*flutters eyelashes and backs away carefully from the ferocious look he's giving her under the lofty pink feathers...*
See you after you've survived your w*rkday!
Laters Wile E!
A Little Night Music
Wile E Quixote Posted Apr 25, 2007
*looks in the mirror and recoils in horror at his PINK Marge Simpson hairstyle*
Hi cynth!
Sorry I’ve not been online – I had a rematch with the dreaded lurgy yesterday. I didn’t feel so bad when I got up, and I was sat at my desk ready for lur-ahem-work at 7:30 sharp, but full strength zombification followed shortly. When I got home, I was feeling a bit feverish and achy, and I was in bed by seven!
I’m not feeling anywhere near so bad today. Maybe it was the shock of getting up so early!
I’m guzzling lots of and not exerting myself too much. I want to be less
creaky, and more sprightly and fresh for the meet on Saturday!
Are you continuing to make good progress with that ouchy of yours? Have you had any sightings of any WILDlife
on your hikes?
I hope your mum’s doing a bit better. Sounds like your brother has been watching too much Mexican wrestling!
I think that’s all the health stuff covered!
Btw, was that band from Nottingham you told me about a while ago called Radium88? I got a friend request from them yesterday.
Have you had any more tender romantic offerings on MySpace of late? Did you finally hear the end of Mr Shy and his Russian friends?
Do you feel all set for the concert? I’m not sure what time you’re going to be travelling today, and what times you’ll be online once you arrive. If we don’t manage to bump into each other online, I’ll be keeping an eye on my emails in case there’s any last minute stuff I need to know before Saturday.
Catch you later
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted May 28, 2007
*sedately walks in, bows formally...trips, rolls and skids... and falls on him...*
Hello Wile E!
I'm baaaaaaaaa-aaaaack!
Did you miss me?
Even a teensy weensy bit?
'Fess up!
*sounds of muffled shrieky giggles...*
Thanks for taking care of things and letting them know what was going on with me on the Wah! thread while I was away.
Now, I ...must...make...up...for...lost...time!
T o
B e
C o n t i n u e d
Hope youvre enjoyedyour day off from you-know-where...
See you a little bit later!
Laters, Wile E!
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted May 30, 2007
*giggles maniacally because she knows he can't see this link until he gets home from w*rk...*
Hello earnestly diligent hardw*rking Wile E!
My Montreal cousin with impeccable taste in high fashion suggested the perfect concert evening gown for me to wear. Sooooo "moi", he thought. It's classic, elegant, yet subtle in style. I think you would approve.
You like?
See you later!*frisks him for sweets...*
All right!
Just tone down the stern
Happy lurking Wile E!
A Little Night Music
Wile E Quixote Posted May 30, 2007
*wipes off tomatoes*
Hi Cynth!
Sorry I didn’t reply sooner – I think I needed some recovery time after all that !
it’s great to see you back! I guess I did miss you. A little bit.
Just because you’ve been away for a month, don’t think you can get away from my incessant questioning. I want answers!
Was Radium88 the group from Nottingham you were telling me about? Did you manage to shake off Mr Shy and his Russian friends? What happened to the bears? Are they still hanging around the neighbourhood?
Yeah, that dress is very *you*
I’ll happily give that one my seal of approval!
I sent you a card earlier on which didn’t seem to work, so I sent another. But I’ve got messages saying they’ve both been picked up, so that’s why you got two cards with virtually identical messages.
Catch you later, m’dear
*pauses for a second*
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted Jun 12, 2007
*returns after recovering from being tickled and
flanned- and sneaks by, studiously avoiding
that which frightens her mightily...*
Helloooo Wile E!
So how are things in the office today?
Hope you're feeling much better today.*takes his pulse, counts his respirations, spies his pupils, stealthily bumps his knee to test his reflexes and checks him for fever...*
I'm here to dutifully respond to your
incessant questioning. *shudder*
Yes. It was Radium 88 that I had mentioned to you ages and ages ago. It was soooo long ago- I wonder if they're still around
at all.
I blocked all of those guys.
But I still got some messages from some of their friends(whom I consequently blocked, as well
...) who kept asking why I didn't want to communicate with their good, good friend.
Talk about being persistent!
But I admire the fact that they're so loyal to their friend.
Unless it actually Is their blocked friend under another or borrowed account. Sheesh!
The bears have gone to higher ground, I think. We were hoping to see some at Saturday night's party, but either they had returned to their normal native hunting grounds or were scared away by the
jazz trio and me scat singing 'Twisted'.
The roaming mountain lion didn't seem to mind, though. He seemed curious by all the fairy lights, strange sounds and people peeking at him over the fence but, after a while, headed down to the creek for a quick slurp before disappearing into the night.
Oh! And sorry for not addressing your question last night about what kind of music I had arranged for E&T's farewell party.
I got so sidetracked when I heard that you finally gave Leonard Cohen's album a listen!
I had some of my jazz friends who play piano, bass and saxophone perform stuff they do at a club in LA and some of my folk/rock friends(List Guys) do some original material(nearly SS style!)that had people
crying into their
wineglasses. I sang Twisted and a couple of torch songs(A Case Of You and You're The One I Love
) with the jazzy group and some Tears For Fears downer songs with the folky acoustic guys.
Okey dokey. I'd better crawl off to bed now...
But not before reminding you to take extra good care of yourself
so I won't be forced to send in someone who'll make absolute sure you're well taken cared of!
See you *makes airport runway signal gestures with a loo brush* over there later on, tonight.
Good golly I'm sleepy!
Enjoy the rest of your day, Wile E!
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted Jun 20, 2007
Helloooooooo Wile E!
*instantly styles his hair into two topknots equi-distant atop his head...then stands back to admire her handiwork*
There's nothing like Mickey Mouse ears to brighten up your w*rkday!
You look more like a teddy bear than...
Alright! I'm off to bed!
*hands on hips* What's the sense of me surreptitiously frisking you when you don't even bother to stock your pockets with sweets from the vending machine?
*shakes head indignantly and a tinny rattling sound can be heard as she does so...*
Where was I?
Okay! I'm really off to bed this time!
Don't give me that stern look!
See? I'm going... now!
*does a bad Marcel Marceau walking against the wind in slo-mo impression ...and then an atrocious trapped in an invisible box routine...*
You know, you really ought to be w*rking and not slacking off, making all those
funny faces at the monitor. Of course, your very understanding colleagues might just think you're just holding back a cough. Hmmmm. You'd think they'd offer you a cup of
or a lozenge.
Or maybe they're used to seeing you twitch like that and wearing Mickey Mouse ears and come to the conclusion that you're just slacking off again...
Good golly, it's late. *averts her eyes from his ursine-like stare* I'd best be off to bed now.
Have a lovely day! See you later, Wile E!
A Little Night Music
Wile E Quixote Posted Jun 20, 2007
Hi Cynth
*staggers back into the thread, barely recovered from the ‘s loving care*
She believes in tough love, but I guess that was needed to tackle such
pestilence. *quickly munches a jaffacake while the coast is clear*
If you’re wondering what the strained look on my face is, it’s not the result of being ill – it’s from trying to keep a serious, hard at work, no need to bother me and certainly no need to look at my monitor expression, as I lurked today.
I knew you’d delight in trying to crack me up in front of everyone!
*quickly rearranges hair, but feels smug in the knowledge that his stash of sweets is safe from theiving hands*
The new office layout is a bit of a pain. I usually like to keep the info screen open in the background, and can get away with regular looks as I’m working through my tasks, but I’ve got someone looking over my shoulder in the morning now, so it won’t do to have that screen flashing up so regularly.
Yeah, that Leonard Cohen record is fantastic. I’ve no idea where it came from though. I remember seeing it in the house when I was a child, but my mum’s never heard of him and my dad can’t stand him. *shrugs*
Some of the songs on the album are familiar – some of them were on the soundtrack for McCabe and Mrs Miller, weren’t they? Am I right in thinking that Cohen is a zen monk, now?
Catch you later
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted Jun 25, 2007
H a p p y
M o n d a y,
W i l e
Who's a beamingly happy, bright-eyed, smiley, full of pep, fresh as a daisy, vitally positive and ready to take on the whole world kind of...
N o w
G e t
B a c k
T o
W * r k!
See you later Wile E!
A Little Night Music
cynthesis Posted Jul 2, 2007
*flicks the towel at him...*
What are you doing lurking when you should be w*rking like a good
z o m b i e
on a typical Monday morning!
Barring that, you should be thinking of ways tos a v e
That's okay. You're still w*rthy. Anyone who can hide behind the monitor that way and stare
like that deserves the rating of
*giggles* Now that I've made your day*
delusional squirrel look* I'd better remind you to
wave to me as I fly over you in an hour and a half from now. I'll be doing my very best royal wave...
See you maybe, during my stop over. It'll be around 10 PM your time. My flight westward is scheduled to board at 11:25 PM , your time. Now I'm entirely
Laters Wile E!
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A Little Night Music
- 761: Ellen (Mar 19, 2007)
- 762: cynthesis (Mar 19, 2007)
- 763: Ellen (Mar 19, 2007)
- 764: Wile E Quixote (Mar 19, 2007)
- 765: Wile E Quixote (Mar 19, 2007)
- 766: cynthesis (Mar 19, 2007)
- 767: cynthesis (Mar 19, 2007)
- 768: cynthesis (Mar 26, 2007)
- 769: Wile E Quixote (Mar 30, 2007)
- 770: Ellen (Mar 31, 2007)
- 771: cynthesis (Apr 18, 2007)
- 772: Wile E Quixote (Apr 25, 2007)
- 773: cynthesis (May 28, 2007)
- 774: cynthesis (May 30, 2007)
- 775: Wile E Quixote (May 30, 2007)
- 776: cynthesis (Jun 12, 2007)
- 777: cynthesis (Jun 20, 2007)
- 778: Wile E Quixote (Jun 20, 2007)
- 779: cynthesis (Jun 25, 2007)
- 780: cynthesis (Jul 2, 2007)
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