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A Little Night Music

Post 741

Wile E Quixote

Hi Cynth!

smiley - yikes I bet you’re starting to feel neglected again!

* smiley - grovelsmiley - grovel and flings some belated roses:

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

swiftly followed by beans, asparagus and assorted greenery* smiley - tongueout

Just think of all the fun I could’ve had if you’d told me about those lyrics earlier!

You’ll be pleased to know that I did brave the wind and rain and found a copy of Play With The Changes in the first record shop I went into today. smiley - biggrin

I’m listening to it right now. They’ve come a long way over the years. As genre defining producers, it would’ve been easy for them to stay at the top of the dnb scene, but they’ve always followed their hearts and dared to be different.

I like this album. I don’t think it hangs together as well as 2 Pages, but looking at individual songs, they’ve produced some of the best music of their careers so far. I’ve heard a lot of the tracks before, but I hadn’t heard the title track, and I think that’s my favourite at the moment. I’ve been playing it over and over, along with the cover of Superwoman. smiley - cdouble

Btw, have you ever come across their page on youtube?

There’s lots of interesting stuff there, but here’s my favourite:

The picture quality isn’t fantastic, but the sound is good and it’s a great performance. I saw that years ago and never thought I’d see it again. That’s what I love about youtube.

smiley - popcornsmiley - spacesmiley - laugh I did have Love Liza lined up tonight, but ended up continuing my nostalgia trip on youtube for the past few hours.

See you soon m’dear smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

A Little Night Music

Post 742


*skips into the office with beans, asparagus stalks, rose petals, and what look to be celery and lettuce leaves adorning her hairsmiley - weird...*

Howdy Wile E!smiley - smooch

smiley - bruised Thanks for the belated...uh...congratulatory projectiles!

I know you altogether too well to have disclosed information like that before the smiley - musicalnoteperformance. Lyrics like that would have given you ample ammunition to smiley - evilgrintease me with beforehand.
smiley - erm And I would have had to fight hard against cringing or singing the text smiley - cdoublecross-eyed had you time to 'discuss' the contents of those German lyrics with me.smiley - flustered

smiley - brave So I chose to keep the lyrics under wraps.
Even though it's very difficult to keep anything entirely secret fromsmiley - star The Lilac Confessorsmiley - star.

smiley - grovelForgive me this sin of omission!
*kisses hissmiley - discobling ring...*
Pretty please?*flutters eyelashes*

smiley - starsmiley - angelsmiley - star

I've been listening to that new 4hero album everyday since I got it!smiley - doh
*giggles* My mum even asked me,
"smiley - rolleyes...haven't you got any *other* music, besides that, to listen to?"

smiley - laugh That's when I started listening to my old Orbital and Télépopmusik albums again. smiley - bigeyesNow my mum says she preferred the continuous sound of 4hero after all...smiley - cdouble

Thanks for the youtube links!smiley - hug
smiley - wowI loved that live performance! smiley - magic

See you later today while smiley - chefI stir pots of simmering pasta sauce on the stove in preparation for the bigsmiley - cupidValentine party on Wednesday.
smiley - ermI'll have really had a full week of List Guys after that...

I'll have earned my upcoming weekend at the smiley - zenmonastery retreat by then.smiley - somersault

Btw, I looked up that Borneo Orangutan conservation volunteer holiday with the same company you used last year to tour South East Asia. smiley - bigeyes It sounds like it would be fascinating! Have you seen anything else that looks as interesting as that for your holiday?

Uh-oh. I've possibly set off a bout of daydreaming for you there at w*rk with all this talk of get-aways and holidays...*waves a hand in front of his face to get his attention...*

smiley - erm

smiley - smileyWell, that's a sight better than the smiley - skulloffice smiley - spacez o m b i esmiley - skull look anyways!smiley - ermsmiley - ok

I'd better run off to bed before that look turns into a sternsmiley - musicalnotesmiley - pandasmiley - musicalnote one!*shudder*

Okay, okay! I'm going already!smiley - yikes

smiley - cheerupLaters Wile E!smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - yikessmiley - cuddle

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - orangebutterfly

A Little Night Music

Post 743


Okay Wile E, you're laying down on the lurking job. Go do some lurking. And happy valentine's!smiley - ok

A Little Night Music

Post 744


Yes.smiley - cry He had the great misfortune of having to *gasp*...w * r k...yesterday. Poor dear.

smiley - crossNow get back to lurking.

smiley - cupidsmiley - loveAnd Happy Valentines Day to you!smiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle - lovesmiley - cupid

A Little Night Music

Post 745


Cyn, check your gmail for something squirrel related.

A Little Night Music

Post 746

Wile E Quixote

Hi Cynth ! smiley - smooch

smiley - bigeyes Did you survive the party? Full report, please. smiley - tongueout

smiley - disco *proffers ring* smiley - disco

I hope you experienced a great deal of internal conflict while you smiley - space n e g l e c t e d smiley - space to tell me about the lyrics and smiley - space d e n i e d smiley - space me so much fun. smiley - cross

Like I said, you know me too well! smiley - hugsmiley - tickle

Yeah, that’s a great performance of Loveless. I love the drumming on it. Dnb has produced quite a few instrumental bands, and it’s interesting to see a lot of those drummers being influenced by breakbeats, which are themselves edited drum samples from 70’s funk records.

smiley - biggrin When I saw you post Halcyon on the music thread, I immediately had to seek it out on MySpace as its been so long since I’ve heard it. I think the last time I heard it was in 2002, when I saw orbital performing their live act. *wishes there was a smug smiley here* It’s a shame they’ve split up now.

The holiday I was talking about wasn’t with that company, but I’ll check that one out. smiley - ta I still can’t think where I saw it. smiley - huh That’s why I’ve started to keep bookmarks for anything that looks interesting. I’m enjoying looking at all the different options, imagining what each one would be like and how it’d feel to be there. Anticipation is an enjoyable aspect of travel for me. smiley - biggrin

I was thinking that if I end up choosing some kind of environmental work, it’d be silly to take a hugely polluting long-haul flight to get there, and then started thinking about carbon offsetting. At first, tree planting sounded like a good method, but after doing some googling, it doesn’t appear to be very effective, and there are lots of dodgy unaccredited and unregulated schemes out there. It’s a shame, because tree planting feels like a tangible and useful way of approaching the problem.

I found a scheme that is accredited by the UK government, and invests in renewable energy research and development, and does useful things like supplying third world countries with energy saving bulbs and lots of sensible programmes like that. I’m going to do some more reading on the subject to make sure I’m making an informed decision, and will offset my holiday and a years worth of normal living over here.

I also came across another accredited scheme that utilises carbon trading, but I definitely need to do more reading before I decide whether it’s beneficial or not. It works by buying up the carbon credits that are issued to companies, thus increasing the value of the credits and making it more profitable to cut back on emissions. It’s not physically tangible in the way planting a tree is, but if carbon trading is as effective as the politicians make out and I can see its already having a positive impact, then it could be a worthwhile thing to contribute to. Not being very knowledgeable about economics and market forces, it’s hard for me to make a sound judgement right now, but it’ll give me an interesting way of learning more about such things.

Btw, if you’re reading this, JEllen, I watched An Inconvenient Truth the other month. Very scary and uncomfortable viewing, but it made me decide to educate myself and start making changes. smiley - ok

Catch you later smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

A Little Night Music

Post 747


*strolls into the office, deftly avoiding a certainsmiley - musicalnotesmiley - pandasmiley - musicalnote look that is starting to set on Wile E's face by standing behind him and mussing up his hair...*

smiley - smileyHello Wile E!smiley - smooch

How are you doing today? I hope your 2 day descent into the depths of smiley - skullz o m b i e d o msmiley - skull is but a mere memory today.
*gathers his hair up into a slapdash topknot and skewers it into place with 2 biros...*

Hmmmmmmsmiley - bigeyes...That antennaed look isn't half bad! smiley - wow

smiley - hugThanks, btw, for that cute Hello Kitty card over the weekend.
I was very careful with that lamp throughout my stay after the comment by that monk!smiley - laugh

smiley - ermI guess you read about the squirrel incidents on JEllen's thread by now.
*shrugs* I don't know why squirrels follow me! That wasn't the first time I've had squirrels follow me into buildings. smiley - dohIt's been happening since I was 12 years old. It's not like I feed them or make smiley - sillyclicky-chirpy noises at them - they have just been known to scoot inside rooms with me as I've opened doors.smiley - weird

The poor monks thought it a comical sightsmiley - rofl the first time. The second time, they smiley - laughsmiley - huhwere scratching their heads. The third time they looked smiley - yikesspooked. I guess it's a good thing I didn't stay a full week. I wouldn't want to disappoint them by *not* showing up with a squirrel for breakfast one morning.

Purposefully, mindfully escorting a squirrel out of a room was not an easy task. I had to chase it around the periphery of the dining hall 2 or 3 times before convincing it to follow me out the door. Each time, I would shoo it outside and it would start chattering away as it went up a tree if nothing unusual had happened at all.smiley - doh

smiley - weirdInexplicable. The monks said they'd never had a squirrel and a smiley - blushretreatant chase eachother inside any of their buildings before. *sigh*

The rest of the retreat wentsmiley - space n o r m a l l y.smiley - ok

You know most of what transpired at my Valentine party last week. It was nice, but those cousins managed to get people to follow their dubious advice and I'm still dealing with the fallout.

*kisses proferred smiley - discobling ring...*

smiley - grovelI've got to tell the cousins to stop messing with my friend's minds and being 'unskillful' dealing with these friends by not speaking my mind with them! And I'm sorry for omitting those smiley - musicalnoteMahler greengrocer list lyrics for you to taunt me with.*sigh*

I'd been thinking of carbon offsets for a while, too. I read up on all the methods, pros and cons of reforestration in tropical areas of the world do we regulate the businesses that take on this w*rk? How do we make sure that we don't have another well intentioned plan go pear shaped like the palm plantations in Indonesia producing some of the largest amounts of greenhouse gases in the world?
Our existing energy system needs a major transformation and preservation of natural forest habitats are goals that individuals must be educated about. I had solar panels installed on my roofs and w*rk with environmental groups to bring educational speakers and printed materials to schools and youth groups, recycle...drops in the bucket of what needs to be done, surely. What's encouraging in the face of all of this is that we can choose to be responsible and help get things done.
My friends, that we'll be staying with in London, have been dealing with a UK company called Carbon Clear for the past year. Have you heard of them?
So far, what they've researched about their carbon offsetting schemes and seen results of that company have been quite favourable. I'm having a difficult time finding something comparable here. Too many conflicts of interests pop up when I read too closelysmiley - erm. But I'll keep trying.

Speaking of the London friends, they have 4 bedrooms. I have dibs on theirsmiley - magic white and gold room. You have the choice of either the blue room with a celestial ceiling mural and its own blue bathroom, or the music room that has a bunch of musical instruments(piano, zither, synthesizer, guitars, recording equipment, etc), soundproofing and a far east themed decor- shared bath/shower room with the white and gold room.

I'd better get to bed.smiley - yikes

smiley - doh Ballet class in a few hours!*averts eyes from the ursine look...*

See you later, Wile E!smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - yikessmiley - cuddle

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - orangebutterflysmiley - yikessmiley - run

A Little Night Music

Post 748

Wile E Quixote

Hi Cynth!smiley - smooch

smiley - skull My descent into the depths of zombiedom continues! smiley - skullsmiley - rolleyessmiley - yawn

I woke up on Saturday morning feeling very tired and full of a cold, and then received a text full of apologies and excuses from my friend in Blackburn for not being able to make it to Lincoln. It read rather like my last post on the yodel-lay-heeee-hoooo(too) thread. smiley - laugh She asked if I’d be able to make it to Lincoln to see SS next month, so we’ll see if we can finally get together after all these years. Maybe.

I guess I need to work harder on my nagging and bullying skills!smiley - winkeye

I don’t really know SS’s friends in Lincoln, and I can be a little shy and reticent around people before I know and feel comfortable with them, so combined with feeling ill and tired, I wasn’t expecting such a great night. But once I was down there, I relaxed and enjoyed myself. SS was pleased with a good turn out and being the centre of attention, and we worked our way around the bars that surround Brayford Wharf, which is the location of the university campus.

We finished the night in a concert hall owned by the university, and I think I managed to work the cold out of my system by dancing! There wasn’t much to the venue apart from a stage at one end and a bar at the other, so dancing was the only thing to do once we were in. At one point, SS executed an outlandish and unlikely dance move, which ended up with him smashing his nose into the head of one of his friends, blood splattering everywhere! smiley - yikes I think he was too drunk to feel any pain, and there wasn’t any damage – it was just messy. By the end of the night, his pristine new white shirt was torn and covered in blood, sweat, and various drinks!

How’s your weekend been? Are you going to an oscar party this year?

smiley - rofl I bet those monks are missing you. You were providing them with plenty of food, and even entertainment while they ate!

smiley - bigeyes How did the talk amongst your cousins go? Have you had the opportunity to be clear and speak your mind? Do you think you’ve been brushing things under the carpet with the List Guys, hoping it’ll sort itself out, then?

Carbon Clear are in my bookmarks. I’ll give them a closer look, and I can ask your friends more about them, when I meet them. I think you know very well which room I’ll be wanting to stay in! smiley - laughsmiley - spacesmiley - bigeyes I’ve never played a zither before. They look fiendishly difficult to play, so I’ll enjoy making a racket on it.

*starts humming the theme from The Third Man*

See you soon smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

A Little Night Music

Post 749


*very happy about the Oscars* smiley - bubbly

A Little Night Music

Post 750


*smiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - somersaultcarries on celebrating smiley - wowScorcese's Oscar win with JEllen...smiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - somersault*...trips and smiley - starcrashes smiley - starinto his office chairsmiley - yikes...*

Hello Wile E!smiley - smooch

How are you finding your return to w*rk today?smiley - smiley
Hope you're keeping nice and legitimately busy! *looks around for interesting official papers to glance over...*

smiley - bigeyesWhat'd you have for lunch?
Am I being nosy enough yet?smiley - tongueout

*pouts* That was too bad that your friend from Blackburn couldn't make the trip with you to Lincoln on Saturday.smiley - sadface You really must review your extortion and bullying techniques! Tsk tsk tsk.
SS sounded like he made do with a fairly nice partying entourage, though. Do things often get as *exhuberant* like that with him? smiley - headhurtsStill it's heartening to hear that he was able to party like that-at such an advanced age.smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

My Montreal cousin must have been quite persuasive with the other cousins when he talked to them over the weekend. Either that, or it could have been the fact that my mum fell down while I was away on retreat and it took 4 of them to pick her up safely and make sure she wasn't injured. They couldn't figure out how I could do all that on my own normally. So maybe the time was ripe for them to change.smiley - erm
The List Guys were already questioning the validity of the cousin's advice and motives. I had to field a lot of phone calls from the Guys who were starting to feel 'used' by the cousins. So, in a way, things *did* sort themselves out over the long run. I'm hoping that after talking individually to the remaining 12, things can settle down and they will be content enough to blamesmiley - evilgrin yousmiley - evilgrin for anything that bothers them in the future!smiley - laughsmiley - hugsmiley - ticklesmiley - laugh

An excellent choice of lodging! smiley - cheerupI salute you!
I like that music room a lot, too.smiley - biggrin When I lived in that house, I used it as a smiley - musicalnoterehearsal room because it has lovely acoustics and was made soundproof by the musicians that owned the house before me. My friends have filled it with a lot of interesting smiley - musicalnoteinstruments and equipment, plus there's a wall covered with music literature and scores at one end of the room. There's a smiley - cooldouble bed with a carved wooden headboard and assorted old Asian lanterns collected from travels too...

*looks at clock*I'd better get to bedsmiley - sleepy or make my mum her breakfast. Hmmm. What do you think?

smiley - yikes

*smiley - musicalnotesmiley - pandasmiley - musicalnote*All right! I'll do both soon!
smiley - wahJust don't give me *that* stare like that!

See you later on.smiley - ok Have a lovely day, Wile E!smiley - cuddlesmiley - yikessmiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - yikessmiley - orangebutterflysmiley - run

A Little Night Music

Post 751

Wile E Quixote

Hello m’dear smiley - smooch

It’s been pretty smiley - cdouble this week, and I’m still having to run that complaints system on top of everything else, so no lurking time! smiley - cry Actually, I’m still oddly feeling happy keeping busy, so it hasn’t been so bad. I’ve less deadlines looming, and I’ve been managing my time better, so things aren’t as stressful usual.

The food here hasn’t been too school dinners-ish this week, and I’ve had some nice lunches, nosy person.smiley - tongueout I had pasta and veg in arrabiata sauce today, and I’ve had a Balti, and falafel tortilla wraps earlier in the week. What kind of stuff do you make when you’re just cooking for yourself? smiley - spacesmiley - bigeyes How much baking do you think you’ll be doing for the shelter’s charity event this year?

Yeah, it was disappointing that she couldn’t make it. I’m aiming to get us all out together before ten years elapses, although she’s promising to go down to Lincoln sometime this month. smiley - laugh

SS isn’t as exuberant as he used to be, but he has his moments.smiley - laugh Most of the time we just sit and chat when we go out, rapidly aging smiley - senior that we are, but things still get like that in a group situation. I’m more comfortable being one to one rather than being in a group, but I did have a good laugh on Saturday.

It’s nice that you can still go back to your old house whenever you visit London. How long did you live in that house? smiley - spacesmiley - bigeyes Less than two months until the meet, now! smiley - somersault

smiley - bigeyes How did the rehearsal go? Was the maestro pleased?

Catch you later, m’dear smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

A Little Night Music

Post 752

Wile E Quixote

Btw, I stumbled across this great youtube subsite, jazztube. smiley - bigeyesThere’s some fantastic stuff on there.smiley - boing

A Little Night Music

Post 753


*tries not to act like a depraved individual caught out at being up way past her bedtime...smiley - smileysmiley - ermsmiley - whistle*

Hi there Wile E!smiley - smoochsmiley - hug

smiley - smileyHow's it all going for you today?

I'm just a wee bit smiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envy envious that you got to see a full blood red lunar eclipse last night. But I won't let that bother me smiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envy in the slightest. smiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envy Do you think green is my colour? I must think of what to wear to the meet...smiley - laughsmiley - bigeyesSee? Not bothered, smiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envysmiley - envy at all!smiley - zensmiley - envy

My plans for a laid back Saturday were dashed when 12 List Guys came by at 5:30PM bearing Peking Duck, mushroom and pepperoni calzones, potstickers, fennel salad, lobster croissant sandwiches, assorted microbrewery beers, Chinese pork ribs, chicken/ shrimp/pork fried rice, a pupu platter, pasta salad with truffles, lamb khorma and a smiley - monsterlime jello molded monstrosity...smiley - yikes
smiley - laugh Don't worry, my normal menu sensibilities didn't suddenly go haywire!

smiley - ok It was just a twice yearly fullsmiley - moon evening picnic at my house. The venue is always a mystery until half an hour before everyone arrives. I was just the lucky person/victim to host it last night. Everyone brings a take-out or deli dish that they've never tried before to share and the host just provides dessert(ice cream sundaes) and basic drinks. If you've lurked, you'll have found out that we did look at the moon. The raccoons and possums were scared off by the sound of those guffawing guys and possibly their caveman-like eating habits...smiley - bigeyes

Anyway, after watching The Rolling Stones Rock &Roll Circus on TV and loitering around depleting the contents of my cookie jar and chocolate boxes, they left at around 3AM.

Do you think you'll be manning the complaints system this coming week again? *shakes head ruefully* If you did, that would seriously cut into your lurking time.smiley - sadface We can't have such a trifling thing such as *shudder* w*rk *shudder*be an obstacle to your daily lurking requirements.smiley - flustered

smiley - bigeyesYou've been getting some yummy stuff for lunch lately.
That's about as nosy as I can get...smiley - crywhen you have a nearly non-existent nose as mine, any chance to be nosy is a bonus and compensates for that which is *sniffles* woefully lacking...*pouts*

*giggles*smiley - tongueoutNose hypersensitivity is a good excuse to keep on being nosy!smiley - silly

When I cook for myself, I generally make myself things like roasted eggplant and pepper filled baguettes, rice and stir fried veggies, pasta dishes...or I don't cook at all. I love eating fresh salads and lots of fruit that are in season. If I'm not cooking for anyone else, that's what I gravitate to. smiley - doh All of those things make me look like I'm a vegetarian! smiley - rolleyes No wonder my doctor despairs of me and my eating habits.smiley - erm It's a good thing, then, that I *do* cook for other people, otherwise I wouldn't have much meat in my diet at all!*shrugs*

I think I'll be smiley - starbakingsmiley - star about as many auction gift boxes of cookies (about 15 at 3lbs. weight each)as last year. They fetched pretty good prices and patrons will be looking for them to purchase again this year! I'm still w*rking on that certain person to be an MC this year. She's seriously considering it at this point...smiley - cool

I'm glad you went out partying the other weekend with SS. It's good to do that whilesmiley - seniorsmiley - senior you both still are relatively spry and can shake a leg.smiley - laugh I'm like that, myself, about tending to prefer being one on one instead of group outing situations. Now you know why I'm not entirely at ease being surrounded by as many people that I find myself currently involved with. If anything makes me squirelly, it's having to scatter my attentions everywhere all at once when I'm in crowds of friends like that!smiley - cdouble

Yeah.smiley - smiley I'm fortunate to have some awfully nice friends in London. And I'm soooo lucky to have some of them living in my old mews house now. I lived there, in that particular house, for 3 and a half years. A lot of the decor and furnishings are what I put in there, so it feels very homey when I visit and know where everything is. There isn't that smiley - cdoubledisorientation about waking up in an unfamiliar place for me there.smiley - ok
I have another friend who has a nice flat in Knightsbridge that he only uses when he's in town from New York. He offered the flat to me for whenever I visit the city, but I thought it would be nicer to stay with my old friends and have them meet you, too! They're easy going enlightened smiley - zentypes, extremely hospitable and welcoming and have got on great with every friend of mine that I've brought to meet them.smiley - laugh I'm sure they'll appreciate your charms right away!smiley - ticklesmiley - hug

I'd better get to sleepsmiley - sleepy now *skillfully averts her eyes from the ferocity of any smiley - musicalnotesmiley - pandasmiley - musicalnote stares*...hope your Sunday is going wonderfully well so far...smiley - yawn talk with you later, Wile E!smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - yikessmiley - cuddle

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - orangebutterflysmiley - run

A Little Night Music

Post 754

Wile E Quixote

Good afternoon, your Immanence smiley - winkeye

Bends down on one knee and solemnly kisses her smiley - disco blingy smiley - disco ring.

*stammers* I’m truly and deeply honoured to be in the presence of one so esteemed. What could I possibly have done to deserve a visit from one so high? smiley - flustered I’m at a loss for words!

Not really! smiley - ticklesmiley - run

smiley - smooch I couldn’t take you *that* seriously! smiley - tongueoutsmiley - space Besides, so much smiley - envy doesn’t befit someone of such high standing!smiley - laugh Perhaps you should consider wearing something scarlet, rather than asparagus green! *tries to remember the address of the vestments site*

Did you see any of the pictures of the moon on the BBC? It looked pink from where I was, and was easily the most impressive lunar eclipse I’ve seen. *starts humming a Nick Drake song*

smiley - somersault Things are a bit less hectic at the coup now! The big kafuffle is all over and done with, and the management team (heads intact) look less likely to fly the coup.

I was right about getting lots of paperwork to sort out. It’s not that the work hasn’t been done, but in many cases it hadn’t been recorded properly, so I had to do some damage limitation.

So I had a severe case of smiley - skull zombification smiley - skull by the time I got home last night. I was in bed by ten! smiley - zzz

smiley - cross *pulls off rubber plunger* I know your game – you’re trying to make me look like a Dalek! smiley - tardissmiley - spacesmiley - flustered And what have you done with my chocolate bar!

*attaches plunger to her diminutive nose, steps back and admires her profile* smiley - tongueout

Sounds like things have been a bit smiley - cdouble for you since we spoke last. If you’d told me a year ago that your instructor could be so reezpektful, I would never have believed it!

smiley - bigeyes That’s an extensive set of instructions and advice from the maestro. Go easy on the first one, will you? Where would I be if you didn’t get your head turned by sweet-talking hangers-on and slick opportunists? smiley - grovel

smiley - bigeyes Do you think you’ll be getting lots of sudden visits and phone calls this week? I was thinking that it was approaching that time of year. I hope it’s quiet and you get a bit of space.smiley - hug I’ll try not to make a fuss, but if I see any smiley - cdoublesmiley - smileysmiley - cdouble , I might have to give you a smiley - ticklesmiley - spacesmiley - biggrin

See you soon, m’dear smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

A Little Night Music

Post 755


*swishes swishily by, resplendent in scarlet, until she suddenly catches the hem of her vestment with her foot - which sends her careening sideways across his office desk....*

smiley - sillyHello Wile E!smiley - smooch

*eyes the papers and files scattered about on the floor*

I take it that you probably needed the top of your desk to be cleared away anyway.smiley - blushsmiley - laughsmiley - ermsmiley - ok

smiley - bigeyesYes, I *did* see the pictures of the eclipsed moon on the BBC.
Now you're just rubbing it in about how impressive an eclipse I missed out on!smiley - flustered I need a here!

Well done on the damage limitation job of sorting out all the documentation to expedite that scrutinising procedure!smiley - hug No wonder you were so knackered the other night.smiley - cdouble

smiley - crossIt figures that you knew what I had in mind all along with the rubber plunger. Can I help it that whenever I see a plunger, Daleks instantly spring to mind? That whenever I use a plunger in RL, I mutter "...e x t e r m i n a t e, e x t e r m i n a t e !"smiley - weird *sigh*
Only a seriouslysmiley - evilgrin twisted mind could come to a conclusion that I was trying to make you into a Dalek...smiley - applause

smiley - hug *pouts when she finds that frisking produces no smiley - choc todaysmiley - flustered*

Tuesday night's surprise birthday party for my ballet instructor (no doubt you've lurked another thread or will have soon) brought up surprise confessions out of him that I never expectedsmiley - dohHe claimed that he mistakenly and unfairly blamed mesmiley - huh for his 'conphoozzian' even to the point of smiley - yikessabotaging the relationship between him and his partner.smiley - huhsmiley - weird He thanked me for allowing him to get thatsmiley - huh off his 'jest' and for 'leestnink zo paysh-shunt-hully'.smiley - huh

The maestro put forth all those imperatives in a mesmerizing drone, as if he was trying to implant them in my brain subliminally. I suppose it *must* be a daunting task, given the squirrelly obstinacy that I can display at times.smiley - silly
Don't worrysmiley - hug *frisks him for spare change* I promise not to ignore the clamouring of sweet talking hangers-on and slick opportunists. Life would besmiley - cry so bleak without their steady influence upon my life.

smiley - ermI'm up this late because I've been fielding phone calls from the UK and one from New York. Quite similar in content really...

"Are you alright? You say you are, but if you weren't, could you please let me know? Because you're known for not letting people know and not wanting to bother others. I understand that. Could you please break this soliloquy?! Are you alright? You haven't said a thing since you said you were alright after I said hello and asked if you were alright..."

I had some List Guys over here loitering about until midnight...making sure I was alright. They agreed that I 'seemed' alright but that they would pop in to make sure I was alright tomorrow. Alright?

smiley - okAlright. I'm going off to bed.smiley - sleepy
*smiley - musicalnotesmiley - pandasmiley - musicalnote* smiley - yikes


Enjoy your Thursday! Btw, what are you doing for your mum's upcoming birthday? St Patrick's day is coming up soon.smiley - bigeyes

smiley - sleepyI'll see you later Wile E! smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - yikessmiley - orangebutterfly

A Little Night Music

Post 756

Wile E Quixote

Hi Cynth!smiley - smooch

smiley - somersault Whoo! Friday at last! smiley - somersault

It’s been tough one, this week. I had a long meeting with the monitors, and a couple of reports to get done for today, so it’s been my turn to run around like a headless chicken! smiley - cdouble

smiley - yawn I don’t think I’m cut out for hard work! smiley - wah I think I would be far more suited to an independently wealthy life of leisure! smiley - laugh I’ll have to try and get myself a fabulously rich wife!

Thankfully, things should be far more settled next week, and I should get some time loaf around and lurk around hootoo. I’ve really got no idea what’s been going on around here recently. You’ll have to fill me in on any decent gossip.smiley - biggrin

I think we’ll be going out for a meal on my mums birthday, if she’s up to it. smiley - headhurts I’ve no idea what to get her. I’ve been wracking my brains to think of something good that will cheer her up, but I’m struggling. I’m going to head off to Manchester tomorrow, as I won’t have any other easy chances to find something before next Saturday.

If I can’t think of or stumble across anything, I might just get a few small presents. I could order some flowers, get some nice chocolates, a book, and some essential oils. What do you think?

smiley - popcorn I’m going to give The French Lieutenants Woman another go tonight, after last weeks technical hitches. The Departed’s Oscar win coincided with its DVD release over here, and seems impossible to get at the moment, so McCabe And Mrs Miller is on its way to me. Have you seen it?

Catch you later, m’dear smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

A Little Night Music

Post 757


*smiley - somersaultsmiley - sillysmiley - somersaultsmiley - boing pops in at his office to make sure he's pretending to be hard at w*rk in a convincing way and not smiley - cdoublezoning out after lunch...*

Hello Wile E!smiley - smooch

*idly sweeps all important looking papers away into a bin...* smiley - smileyThat's better! A minimalist w*rk space always gives an impression of superior order and efficiency. Besides, you don't need all that paperw*rk distracting you from your true mission in life.
smiley - okWe've got to find you a suitably wealthy wife to realise your call to a life of leisure!smiley - coolsmiley - magicsmiley - cool
*flicks through a directory of filthy rich superannuated dowagers and other perfect potential Mrs. Quixote candidates...*
smiley - bigeyesThis Miss Havisham sounds like she's ripe for the picking.
Ooh! Liza Minelli meets all the current criteria. I wonder why her last marriage didn't w*rk outsmiley - huhsmiley - sadfaceThey looked made for one another.
smiley - wow Carol Channing is unencumbered! Now's your chance!smiley - wow

Any of these would make a perfect smiley - starrichsmiley - star wife.
smiley - okChoose carefully, though!

smiley - cheerupWhat kind of flowers are you going to pick up for your mum?
She's going to like all those smiley - gifts you got for her. It's funny how your birthday and Christmas coincide and your mum's birthday and Mother's Day fall on the same weekendsmiley - doh

Hmmm. You've probably lurked the other thread by now. So you know that my mum is home after her fall and a trip to the hospital by ambulance. She seems to be doing alright considering what she went through. I'll be watching her closely today...but first I'd better get some sleep.

smiley - yikesYou can go from the pseudo-industrious-all-business-diligent look to smiley - musicalnotesmiley - pandasmiley - musicalnote look in no time flat!smiley - yikes

*shudder*smiley - yawnsmiley - sleepy

See you later, Wile E!smiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - yikessmiley - smoochsmiley - run

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - orangebutterfly

A Little Night Music

Post 758

Wile E Quixote

Hi Cynth!

*looks at list of prospective wives and decideds to start working harder - *much* harder - instead* smiley - headhurts

I’ve been doing some more searching for a holiday this weekend, and I’m currently leaning to something run by this organisation:

Not sure which one I might go for as there is so much to choose from. Some of the marine based stuff looks quite appealing to me. What do you think?

I’ve got a few more sites bookmarked that I want to take a closer look at, but I think I’ll be booking something by the end of the month. smiley - somersault

Last years holiday was great because I got to cover so much ground, but I think it’ll be good to stick to one area and explore it in the offtime from the volunteer programme I choose.

smiley - bigeyes I seem to have avoided smiley - skull zombiehood smiley - skull once again, this Monday. smiley - biggrin I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m still full of energy when I get up in the morning. smiley - weird I hope you’re feeling more rested after a difficult last week. smiley - hug

Catch you later, cyn smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle

A Little Night Music

Post 759


Hey, we're all online!

A Little Night Music

Post 760

Wile E Quixote

smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyessmiley - cool

We’ll have to take the opportunity to nag cynth about The Prestige. smiley - biggrin

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