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It tastes like chicken...

Post 1


My two cents smiley - 2cents
Why are all meat flavors compare to that of chicken? smiley - groan You can say "frogs'legs taste like chicken", but it sounds weird if you say "chicken tastes like frogs' legs." Is the taste of chicken some sort of universal standard point of reference in the food world?
Another thing, I've always found "Chicken of the Sea" the strangest name for a tuna company. This seems to point to the argument that chicken is the classic favorite meat from dry land, so then as tuna is the classic favorite meat from the sea, we get "Chicken of the Sea." Why can't we have "Tuna of the Land"? smiley - huh ("because it sounds stupid", you say, "well I agree with you", I say, then you say, : "Then why are you even suggesting it?" so I say: "Because I'm bored", but then you say: "Only the boring are bored," so I say "Shut up! smiley - crosssmiley - steam.")
Ask any Mermaid You Happen to See...What's the Best Tuna? Chicken of the Sea! smiley - schooloffish
PS: I'm sorry I told you to shut up. You're right. I am boring. Please forgive me. smiley - grovel

It tastes like chicken...

Post 2


If you're wondering why you got this start to a thread... smiley - erm i didn't realize I was posting it to you!smiley - doh Woops... My excuse is that I'm new smiley - chick. I was trying to put it in the food section. Who knows what happened... smiley - huh
Uh oh spaghetti ohs...

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It tastes like chicken...

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