Journal Entries

The Rambling's Of And Underated Genius

The Moonshide Effect

The Moonshide Effect is the little problems in life that just hide at the back of your brain and do not stir, but you are unable to solve them. Some people call it a niggling problem that just seems to make their life more gloomy and overcast.

So when your thinking how rubbish your life is, just refer to the Moonshide effect, and you will now be aware that your life is total pigswill and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Latest reply: Oct 12, 2001

B - Movie's

Read my highly recomended article on the B - Movie phenomenon

Article : A613063

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Latest reply: Oct 6, 2001

Simon Jones FOR Arthur Dent

The Hitchhiker Movie, when it comes, will probably be a good film. However,
what will stop it from becoming a classic is both the sad departure
of Douglas Adams, and THE CHOICE OF ACTORS!!.
Nothing against Stephen Fry of Rowan Atkinson, but in my oppinion,
they are the totally wrong actors to have in this part. The only person who could
re-create the same style of the origional vision is Simon Jones.
The part was specificly designed with Simon's personality in mind, as Douglas said on
many occasions. The same goes for the other characters.
I could not really imagine a big Hollywood actor playing Zaphod Beeblebrox. Can you ...?
Maybe Dustin Hoffman, or Sylvester Stallone, do they sound like the actors who could pay the parts, I think not

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Latest reply: May 19, 2001

Simon Jones FOR Arthur Dent

The Hitchhiker Movie, when it comes, will probably be a good film. However, what will stop it from
becoming a classic is both the sad departure of Douglas Adams, and THE CHOICE OF ACTORS!!.

Nothing against Stephen Fry of Rowan Atkinson, but in my oppinion, they are the totally wrong actors to
have in this part. The only person who could re-create the same style of the origional vision is Simon Jones.
The part was specificly designed with Simon's personality in mind, as Douglas said on many occasions.

The same goes for the other characters. I could not really imagine a big Hollywood actor playing Zaphod
Beeblebrox. Can you ...?

Maybe Dustin Hoffman, or Sylvester Stallone, do they sound like the actors who could pay the parts, I think not

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Latest reply: May 19, 2001

My First Day / Dodgy Salesmen

Well, the first day as a researcher was pretty unaventful. As I ponder what my first
article will be about.. how will it affect people around me. The world moves in
mysterios ways. I tried to by a car today, but the salesmen suffocated my interest.

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Latest reply: May 13, 2001

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Old Uncle Zarniwoop

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