This is a Journal entry by Old Uncle Zarniwoop

My First Day / Dodgy Salesmen

Post 1

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

Well, the first day as a researcher was pretty unaventful. As I ponder what my first
article will be about.. how will it affect people around me. The world moves in
mysterios ways. I tried to by a car today, but the salesmen suffocated my interest.

My First Day / Dodgy Salesmen

Post 2

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Hi Uncle!

How's it going, I notice you haven't replied to any of the messages posted below your page entry!

Pop over and say Hi!

btw have you got a new car yet, if not consider geting a bike, I just bought one from the local refuse dump for £7 and rode it out of there. Justthink of all the smiley - empty you buy with the rest of the money and the exercise you could get from the bike to keep down the beer gut!!

smiley - winkeye

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