Journal Entries

the antidote to loneliness

is forcing yourself to be with good friends, methinks

i was pretty upset and lonely today and i forced myself not to cancel dvds and fush and chups tonight with the old flatties plus lemma, and it worked, i now feel sooooooo much better. yay!

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Latest reply: Apr 3, 2004

all by myyyyy se-ellllffff

don't wanna be...

m is away (only for a few days)
but that's not why i'm sad.

FOUR of my workmates are all leaving (well one has already gone). Two were old friends who are moving cities or countries (for three years), two new friends who have moved jobs and countries (for at least two years). Plus one of the old friends is going overseas because his gf got a great scholarship to the smelly ol' uk and i'm really good friends with her too!

don't you hate it when you make a new friend and each time you talk to them you find more interesting things to talk about and learn more about them, and yourself, and then they go away where you can't talk to them anymore (ie overseas), very soon after you met them.

long enough for you to work out you could become good friends, and long enough to be v sad they are going.

as d said to me tonight - why couldn't i have started this job a year ago?

smiley - wah

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Latest reply: Apr 2, 2004


i put a little bit of DNA up in the office yesterday

his famous quote about deadlines:

"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." (words to that effect, I have got it right in the office)

Of course my deadlines, of which there are many, are more likely to go clang, as they hit me in the head, repeatedly.

smiley - dontpanic

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Latest reply: Mar 25, 2004

first day new job

bit nervous

slept v well - this is unusual - must be resigned to my destiny

but now i am wasting time on the internet when i ought to be getting ready to go in

i hope they don't laugh at my pic of m and mara

i wonder what i can do today

i wonder if i'll be allowed to go to the exciting M&C meeting - fingers crossed

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Latest reply: Feb 22, 2004

d*ckheads in cars

so i'm just walking back to my car, through the supermarket carpark, and this red car tries to reverse into me. i'm scared, of course, and then when i get past the car, having avoided having it hit me, i see that the window is down so i look at the driver and he is LAUGHING that he nearly hit me.

now scared and angry i telling him to stop laughing at the fact that he nearly hit me (not as nicely as that) to which he replies "maybe if you weren't such an ugly person"


so then we trade some insults (me referrring to the small size of his genital regalia, he continuing on the ugly theme, still laughing).

then i walk off and he drives off, happy as larry, while i'm shaking with anger and adrenaline and have to sit in my car for a few minutes before i can drive very (abnormally) carefully home at ten kms under the speed limit (yes that was me).

i'm upset, he's untouched - why is this?

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Latest reply: Feb 17, 2004

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