This is the Message Centre for Captain Obvious

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 1

Ming Mang

...I am also an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) and it means that I have volunteered to personally meet and greet newcomers to the Guide such as yourself. smiley - smiley
Welcome to H2G2 Captain Obvious!! smiley - smiley
*grin* There is also the parent factor involved in a decision to become a vegetarian... I became one because (a) it annoyed my parents and (b) I do empathise with animals because they display similar emotions of suffering as people do. smiley - smiley So there you are! smiley - winkeye
If you have any questions, ask away... I may not be able to answer them accurately or even at all, but I'll be able to find someone who can. smiley - smiley You can also go and ask the rest of the ACEs at
Don't worry if it takes you a while to get back... I have a plentiful if not endless supply of smiley - donuts and smiley - cake and will sit here eating them until you return. smiley - biggrin There's no hurry! smiley - winkeye But do have a doughnut or some cake yourself. smiley - smiley
*offers smiley - donut and smiley - cake*
smiley - biggrin


Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 2

Captain Obvious

Donuts and cake sounds delicious. I cannot wait to stuff my face!! Actually, I'm going out for japanese food tonight- sushi and all. Should be quite the tasty treat!

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 3



I want to be a vegan, but I'm wandering out to scoff a few bits of raw fish with my vinegar rice. Shuerly shome mishtake...

I don't think eating meat (or fish) is absolutely wrong, but almost every way the producers get it to us is unacceptable - cruel, heartless, etc.

I appreciate the vegan argument, but if they take over the world there will be no animals in the fields. The number of people will not have changed, the landscape will grow ever more boring...

Both are unsatisfying visions.

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 4

Captain Obvious

Unsatisfying visions indeed....herrmm.... My best bet is that there's no perfect world, but I've been wrong before, so who can really say? Ironically, I just had some raw fish tonight at a Japanese restaurant (5-6-01). A Yellow Tail roll to be exact- and the rice had soy sauce. Good 'nuff!

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 5

Captain Obvious

Unsatisfying visions indeed....herrmm.... My best bet is that there's no perfect world, but I've been wrong before, so who can really say? Ironically, I just had some raw fish tonight at a Japanese restaurant (5-6-01). A Yellow Tail roll to be exact- and the rice had soy sauce. Good 'nuff!

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 6


Apologies (I suppose). I read Ming Mang's conversation title and associated it with the good captain. So you'll eat anything that doesn't have to be pinned down first.

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 7

Ming Mang

You should read people's intros Mund! smiley - winkeye

How are you doing Captain? smiley - smiley Finding your way around OK?


Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 8

Captain Obvious

Hey mister ACE...Ming Mang I do believe. I'm doing peachy, thanks for the concern. Truth is, I haven't waddled around much in this portion of hyperspace.....errr webspace. Is that a word? I like it all the same. Anywho, I posted my first journal entry- quite the exciting stuff, I must needs say0 and that's all fine and dandy. I'll be sure to scream loud enough for you to hear if'n I come across any large amounts o' trouble. Fare thee well!

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 9

Ming Mang

*whispers- I'm female* smiley - winkeye
You seem to be doing fine. smiley - smileysmiley - biggrin

Well, so long as your scream isn't too ear-piercing! smiley - winkeye
Have fun with the expanse (cyberspace maybe? I dunno...) that is the Guide!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin


Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 10

Captain Obvious

Cyberspace!! Damnit that's the word I was searching for!! Aaagah, the humanity of it all!!'s a lady! (as per The Ladie's Man) SOrry about the gender swizzle- I swear it won't happen again. I started working on a guide entry about autopsies...I should see if there's already a similar entry though, now shouldn't I? Hmm...research ho!

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 11

Ming Mang

That's OK!! It happens all the time... I try now to hint that I am female quite early on when I'm talking to someone I haven't met before... *grin* in fact, I deliberately haven't stated my gender on my page to see how many people automatically assume I'm male, and how many people try not to state what gender they think I am. No one automatically assumes I'm female. And the vast majority automatically assume I'm male. It's nothing to be sorry about, believe me! You can't help it... smiley - winkeye

Yeah... you should really. smiley - smiley
Good luck! smiley - biggrin


Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 12

Captain Obvious

ah ha! there seems to be a general lack of entries about autopsies (if I searched correctly). So I'll do it!! tally ho! Interesting gender-assumption experiment you got goin on there...curious! I've been talking with this one guy who's screen name has "Luna" in I originally assumed he was female, luna being a feminine word and all. Oh well, guess he just likes the moon!
Fare well!

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 13

Ming Mang

Hey hey!! Excellent!! smiley - biggrin Go for it, I shall be interested when you've finished it. smiley - smiley

Yes, I find it very interesting. smiley - winkeye And quite amusing as well! smiley - biggrin

Hmmm... maybe he wants people to think he's a werewolf?! smiley - winkeye


Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 14

Captain Obvious

a supernatural!! Ah, for love of the gods of fantasy, how I wish they existed!! Perhaps they do, though. ONe can never be absolutely sure. At any right, I at least want a magical sword by my with a quirky personality. That'd be cool! A talking sword! Such reveries are beautiful! Fare well!

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 15

Ming Mang

You know, there's a guy on the radio who is convinced that the full moon does actually affect people's behaviour. Something I mean to do an experiment on a some point... smiley - smiley after all, you never do know!

A magical sword eh? *grin* You'd have it confiscated by the police if you had it on you all the time...! smiley - winkeye
Cool idea though. smiley - smileysmiley - biggrin


Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 16

Captain Obvious

My dear lord...visiting this site today has had to have been one of the biggest shocks in my entire life. HOw could he just....die? It's not right! Damnit, I practically cried, and when it comes to crying, I'm your stereotypical guy- I really can't cry that much, I don't know why, but at any rate, this was one hell of a powerful shock. I definately hafta see the movie now, so he will not be forgotten. and still have books left to read, albeit not that many ( I think) ::sigh:: this is indeed a dark day for humanity.

Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan...

Post 17

Ming Mang

I know... I found out yesterday via h2g2, and I really really hoped it would be a hoax... till I saw it on the beeb news site... smiley - sadfacesmiley - cry I almost cried too... did a lot of staring out of the window... listened to the news... got annoyed when mum didn't seem to care... sat around doing very little...
I think a good word to describe it was 'listless'.


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