Carnivore v. Herbivore
This is likely a vain attempt to fill space, as I have about as much a clue on how to write anything of substance as does George W. Bush. But, I shall carry onward, disregarding any necessity for a pointful piece of writing.
A bunch of my friends are vegetarians (wanna-be vegans, I should say), and they yell at non-vegetarian bystanders, like myself, a lot. There seems to be a chain of empathy for what we ingest, with us (humans) at the top and, oh...we'll say quarks, at the bottom.
Now, people (generally) seem to have a severe perversion of eating other people....understandable because there is a high level of empathy between two humans. Next we have all sorts of animals, but for convenience sake we'll say cows. Some people have a perversion towards eating cows, because they empathize perhaps with the pain of the cow, or the poor conditions under which it lives, or flat out witht he fact that it's being killed.
Next are plants like.....lots of them. For convenience sake, "plants" will encompass anything from vegetables to fruits to grains. No one seems to mind eating plants, because they can't empathize with them. No eyes (don't make poor potato jokes here, please for the love of all that's sacred), no ears (same goes for corn), no teeth, no noses etc..... In short, they are so physiogically and anatomically unlike us (us being most cases), as to allow everyone to disregard any sacrifice they make towards our sustenance.
Then we reach quarks, or similar sub-sub-atomic particles which we don't even realize we are ingesting. Granted, "ingesting" is not the best word here, but we are still taking advantage of these atomic-puzzle-pieces for our own good. To recap, on this chain of empathy, the less one can empathize with a foodstuff's suffering, the less one cares about what he/she/it eats. That's my take on it bring on the beef- cow or carrot, it's dead before I eat it.
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Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan... | May 13, 2001 |
Hei ho! | May 12, 2001 |
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look forward to you finishing this | No Posting | Apr 29, 2005 |
Hello. I'm a wanna-be vegan... | May 13, 2001 | May 13, 2001 |
J'existe! | May 8, 2001 | No Replies |
Sushi | May 7, 2001 | No Replies |
Captain Obvious
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