Twelve Thousand Interests, Zero Passions

Yes, that's me. For whatever reason, I came out of the womb incapable of latching onto a Purpose. Some people know that they want to be police officers or alfalfa farmers, trench diggers or behavioral scientists, and they dedicate themselves to achieving that goal in life.

I am not that way. Or, as the Kiersey Personality Sorter that I completed in a high-school psych class put it, my "goal is to have a goal". The upshot is that, as I go through life, I look into everything that interests me, and learn a little bit about it. Conversely, nothing has actually interested me quite enough for me to go out and get a degree in it (although I blame Math for standing in the way of many of my college dreams; perhaps we'll get into Math at a later time). However, I should be able to hold my own in conversation with enthusiasts of nearly every subject matter.

One might say that I am a Tower of Trivia. I just hope that one won't say it to my face.

Anyway, here's some personal information:

Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 22 June, 1968
Residence: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Highest Accomplishment: Had my email read on-air by the BBC's John Peel

Radio Arhythmius:" > />

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Howdy! May 5, 2001
Hi there... May 2, 2001


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Thank You from Douglas' Family May 15, 2001 May 28, 2001
Bye-bye DNA... May 15, 2001 No Replies
DNA's Passing May 15, 2001 No Replies
Date, possibly May 4, 2001 No Replies
Howdy May 2, 2001 No Replies


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Researcher U172732


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