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Date, possibly

Post 1


4 May, 2001

It's Friday, and since I had a spare 5 minutes at the end of the workday, I thought I'd make a quick journal entry.

Spoke with Rose today about our slowly-progressing wedding plans. I think we've finally agreed on a tentative 5-day window, sometime during which we will possibly be married, probably out-of-state, probably in Santa Fe, NM.

"Cold Feet" is/are certainly understandable: I hate being the center of attention, even on a happy occasion. I've said it before, and I still do think that weddings should evolve into a ceremony wherein the groom is excluded completely. He should just be free to hang out in the hotel room or something. Let's face it, weddings are for brides, and the grooms usually screw things up during the ceremony anyway.

Not that I'm not romantic... at least, I USED to be. It has occurred to me that I used up all of my gushy romance on the first girl with whom I fell in love. Since she didn't fall in love back, it was if I'd built a spacecraft to go to the moon, but it missed -- and I was left with no more materials to build a new spacecraft.

I'm still kind and giving, very generous and patient (or try to be), but I'm out of... "sap". Of course, I've never been an emotional person, and so I think that there was very little sap there to begin with; and now even that is gone, drifting somewhere beyond the moon's orbit.

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