
The headstock of a guitar The first thing you're going to want to know is why I called myself "Transmission" when my real name is Jeremy. The answer is simple and probably very boring. It's the name of a song, and that song was by a unique and often misunderstood British band called "Joy Division." Needless to say, I like the band.

About Me

I am male, was born in 1962 and although I have been in a band (it was called "Inner Vision" and I left when I got married) I have never "Transmitted" anything. I live in Andover, Hampshire, England.

I like television, food, music and making web sites (although not necessarily in that order).


My taste in television can be summed up in two words: comedy and detectives. Monty Python's Flying Circus, Fawlty Towers, Inspector Morse, Inspector Frost and Inspector Wexford are all favourites of mine.


Overweight and trying to diet. Enough said.


I have a very wide taste in music. As well as Joy Division, some of the artists I like are: The Beatles, Queen, Gerry Rafferty, Supertramp, OMD and Robbie Williams


I have seven domain names and, as I am a Christian, many of my sites are on a Christian theme.
My main home page is called JCentral.


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