This is the Message Centre for Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 161

Lady Scott

I'll be glad to play the A for D to tune her oboe, but since I'm so out of practice, perhaps Paul should be the one to play the piano.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 162

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I'll be glad to help. smiley - smiley

One little question, though:
are expected to all be playing the same song? smiley - erm

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 163

Lady Scott

Of course. We want it to be as professional sounding as possible.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 164

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oh!!?? Did I get that memo!?? smiley - erm

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 165

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Are you all in a recording studio?
Hey, when did this get serious?

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 166

Lady Scott

Yes, it spans at least two continents and an ocean.

We've always been serious. You mean you weren't??!?!smiley - sadface

smiley - silly

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 167

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Well, this studio better not get too much attention, we have lives to lead aswell as this so-called smiley - musicalnote-alnote.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 168

Lady Scott

*takes life by the reins and leads it around*

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 169

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Is that the name of your new horse?

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 170

Lady Scott

Yes, Life is my smiley - pony.

He's a very smart smiley - pony.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 171

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

And Death's horse is called Binky.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 172

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

What about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!??

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 173

Lady Scott

Yes, there are Four of them.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 174

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Binky and three others.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 175

Lady Scott

Very good, class!

Now, who can tell me how much 7 minus 2 is?

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 176

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

*Sticks arm in air trying to touch the ceiling from my chair*

Miss, miss, miss!
I know.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 177

Lady Scott

*ignores the student who is speaking before being called on*

Does anyone here know?

It's a simple question... If I have smiley - toffeeapplesmiley - toffeeapplesmiley - toffeeapplesmiley - toffeeapplesmiley - toffeeapplesmiley - toffeeapplesmiley - toffeeapple
and someone takes away smiley - toffeeapplesmiley - toffeeapple how many will I have left?

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 178

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 179

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

I was going to say that. Hey and you blurted before being called on.

Make St. Jon Quixote FAMOUS!!!

Post 180

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

I just do that in school sometimes. I will sit in my seat, and look right and left to see if anyone is going to say anything and then I'll speak. So you just hurry up and answer before that if you want to be heard!!! HA!!! smiley - nahnah

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