Journal Entries

Warm and fuzzy

So, I just finished watching Notting Hill *again* which smoothed the edges of a bit of a jagged day. People love automation but they trust it a little too much and then aren't prepared to respond when it goes wrong.

Thanks to my company's technical support system for duly accepting a detailed and exhaustive description of the problem, including a 'Please Respond Immediately' flag and thanks also for ignoring this and not responding at all. I'm so reassured by this, especially when it concerns a million dollar operation. *** Hello ****

Right, rant over.
So more form-filling before I get some sleepy-byes. Whoever's reading this, please could I have an espresso, preferably Lavazza, with one spoon of sugar and a biscotti (preferably with almonds).

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Latest reply: Jul 14, 2001


smiley - steam>smiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steam>smiley - steam
How is it possible that something as bland and harmless as white, embossed wallpaper from Homebase could raise such heckles. I don't know but the point is, it does; especially when combined with unspeakably-constructed corners such as those in my kitchen. Please will someone invent spray on wallpaper? Failing that, just bequeath me a large sum of money and I'll hire some decorators next time. Grrrrrrrrrr!
smiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steamsmiley - steam>smiley - steam

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Latest reply: May 31, 2001


Finally, after over 4 weeks, my first entry makes it into the Edited Guide! Time for a celebratory spin... smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: May 22, 2001

Askerday -1

I am suitably replete with choice delicacies (0.5 box of Cadbury's Roses) and fine wine (well, reasonable anyway) and will be heading off for the wilds of Norway tomorrow. Monday promises to be the start of 3 wonderful weeks of staring blankly at inumerable Powerpoint presentations which is good because I like sleep. So. Bye for now.

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Latest reply: Apr 21, 2001

'I should be packing' Friday to Asker on Sunday but I haven't started packing yet as I prefer procrastination followed by last-minute panic. Alright, I give in. 15 minutes more then I'll start packing, I promise.

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Latest reply: Apr 20, 2001

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