This is a Journal entry by Spitfire
Warm and fuzzy
Spitfire Started conversation Jul 14, 2001
So, I just finished watching Notting Hill *again* which smoothed the edges of a bit of a jagged day. People love automation but they trust it a little too much and then aren't prepared to respond when it goes wrong.
Thanks to my company's technical support system for duly accepting a detailed and exhaustive description of the problem, including a 'Please Respond Immediately' flag and thanks also for ignoring this and not responding at all. I'm so reassured by this, especially when it concerns a million dollar operation. *** Hello ****
Right, rant over.
So more form-filling before I get some sleepy-byes. Whoever's reading this, please could I have an espresso, preferably Lavazza, with one spoon of sugar and a biscotti (preferably with almonds).
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Warm and fuzzy
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