This is a Journal entry by Spitfire
Spitfire Started conversation May 31, 2001
How is it possible that something as bland and harmless as white, embossed wallpaper from Homebase could raise such heckles. I don't know but the point is, it does; especially when combined with unspeakably-constructed corners such as those in my kitchen. Please will someone invent spray on wallpaper? Failing that, just bequeath me a large sum of money and I'll hire some decorators next time. Grrrrrrrrrr! >
MrsCloud Posted Jun 30, 2001
spray on wllpaper aint that like errr paint correct me if i'm wrong?
Spitfire Posted Jul 3, 2001
Wow! Wow! Someone actually read my journal (other than me). Wow! Wow!. Okay, now I'm over the excitement, an answer. Spray-on wallpaper is like paint in every detail except for one: It is preprogrammed to cover the wall with a pattern (Paisley, big 1970's brown and custard yellow swirls, whatever). The (conceptual) fact that you could achieve this without the damn crinklyness inherent in soggy heavy paper is what appeals to me about the idea. Unfortunately, spray-on patterns only exist in computer paint packages. So there.
MrsCloud Posted Jul 3, 2001
See i was pondering this the other night, with having too much time on my hands and cable TV ergo whatching too much UK Style, I was wondering why people don't spray paint inside of houses it would be quicker then brushing and a lot easier then wallpaper....
Spitfire Posted Jul 4, 2001
MrsCloud - yer absolutely right, couldn't agree more. Unfortunately my better half does not see it that way. Perhaps we should arrange for Homefront to do a 'fake' house decoration makeover using only spray paint for wall decoration. You could call it the 'Subway' look and everyone would start doing it to their rooms. Let's set it up and then buy shares in a spray paint manufacturer now. We could make a mint! (What's more, I wouldn't have to do the damn kitchen.) Oh I should be in advertising. (Unfortunately, I'm on a ship 6 weeks at a time instead). Oh well...I feel much better already.
MrsCloud Posted Jul 5, 2001
first of all
it wasn't so much like a grapphitti sort of spary paint but more the industrial sort of car spray stuff which I've come across when helping dad spray our cars would be more effiecent and doesn't smack of a hovel like perhaps you better half is worrying about.
used have trouble with nasty stuff in the mix and so had to be done in sealed area but there days its all cellulose based and safe.
hmmm anyway
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