Journal Entries

I'm better!

Way hey! The horrible malady that afflicted me is no more!
I'm better!
Im going to Rock city to see a band i like tomorrow, i'm really looking forward to it!
My friend and i have been making music,we now have a keyboard composition played on pipe organ tone, a very melancholy sounding guitar riff and some particularly peculiar lyrics. We're doing well!
I'm in a good mood today so i think i'll put off dying for a while..... a couple of years maybe.
I don't want to finish off on that note so.....
Cheer up smiley - smiley !

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Latest reply: Apr 13, 2001

I'm really p****d off!

Last night I went out to my fave pub to find that someone claiming to be my father had gone in and told the landlord how old I am, or rather, how young I am! I hadn't seen my father for seven yrs until a couple of months ago so if I find out it was him he's in trouble! (He has no jurisdiction over me whatsoever and hasn't had since he left my mum when I was four!)
I really hope that it wasn't him so I can shrugg it off as some idiot trying to pee me off.
Well, it worked! I'm as mad as a hatter!
Anyway i've got to go coz i'm late. (I'm late, for a very important date!)
-Zalisander. (ps i need a smiley - stiffdrink.)

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Latest reply: Apr 8, 2001

Dear diary (i might try getting it the right way round this time!)

erm today is, what day is it?
ah right,its thursday?
(that means tommorows friday!)
well done Zalisander,10 out of 10 for observation.
i woke up this morning to find that my tonsilitus, far from improving, has got drastically worse.
I am dying.
This here is the last post i will ever send to you, fellow hikers and i would like to say that i have enjoyed my time with you, short as it was.
I have one last request, can somebody tell me what hypochondria is?
smiley - skull i must be dying right now in fact!
Farewell,ladies and gentlemen,i may see you in the afterlife,I say that but i doubt anyone will miss me. sob,sob.

P.S any comparison to marvin the paranoid andriod will not be taken lightly.

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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2001


im not having too good a day! i have a headache and tonsilitus.
if this place is like a diary but people can see it i'll have to be careful not to write anything self incriminating, that could be difficult, i think i've already done it
(oh look, Zalisander can't spell!!!)
i need to go but my head is splitting so im stayin put!
oh and yeah, today is the 4th of april, dear diary!

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Latest reply: Apr 4, 2001

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