This is a Journal entry by Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!

I'm really p****d off!

Post 1

Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!

Last night I went out to my fave pub to find that someone claiming to be my father had gone in and told the landlord how old I am, or rather, how young I am! I hadn't seen my father for seven yrs until a couple of months ago so if I find out it was him he's in trouble! (He has no jurisdiction over me whatsoever and hasn't had since he left my mum when I was four!)
I really hope that it wasn't him so I can shrugg it off as some idiot trying to pee me off.
Well, it worked! I'm as mad as a hatter!
Anyway i've got to go coz i'm late. (I'm late, for a very important date!)
-Zalisander. (ps i need a smiley - stiffdrink.)

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