This is a Journal entry by Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!
Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! Started conversation Apr 4, 2001
im not having too good a day! i have a headache and tonsilitus.
if this place is like a diary but people can see it i'll have to be careful not to write anything self incriminating, that could be difficult, i think i've already done it
(oh look, Zalisander can't spell!!!)
i need to go but my head is splitting so im stayin put!
oh and yeah, today is the 4th of april, dear diary!
Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens) Posted Apr 4, 2001
Hi Zalisander,
Since I responded to your other post on the house rules page I thought I'd pop along here and see your home page. Can I suggest you write something for your entry (click the edit page button in your space). When you've done that someone more oficial than I will contact you and be able to give advice on anything you wish to ask.
PS sorry about the headache and tonsilitus, get well soon (I would do a sympathy smiley but haven't actually worked out how to do them yet)
Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! Posted Apr 4, 2001
i cant find the edit page button. (you probably think im blonde!!!)
where is it?
Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens) Posted Apr 5, 2001
Assuming you are set up in Alabaster display (the white background). Hit the 'My Space' (lozenge) button towards the top of the screen.
This should take you to your home space. From there the Edit button is on the right hand side. (At least it is once you've edited the page, If you still can't find it try hitting the 'Help!' lozenge above).
Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! Posted Apr 5, 2001
its alright, i found it yesterday.
im dying.
How do you change the whole way it looks? i just saw dr.e vibensteins space an it was cool, i was wondering if i could change mine like that.(not the same of course)
Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens) Posted Apr 5, 2001
If you hit the Preferences Lozenge above you'll get to a screen with several options. One is labeled Skin. Change that from Alabaster to Goo if you want.
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- 1: Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! (Apr 4, 2001)
- 2: Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens) (Apr 4, 2001)
- 3: Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! (Apr 4, 2001)
- 4: Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens) (Apr 5, 2001)
- 5: Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! (Apr 5, 2001)
- 6: Zathras (Unofficial Custodian of H2G2 Room 101. ACE and holder of the BBC Pens) (Apr 5, 2001)
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