
Welcome to my space. I am completely new to h2g2 and I am still feeling my way around. If you are interested I will add some personal details about myself.

I am on the wrong side of 21 (and 35, 40 and 50 for that matter) and I am taking early retirement in 16 days time (I will be down to counting the hours soon), hence I have a lot of time, a little work and a computer, thats how I found h2g2. I have spent my whole working life in computers first joining Enlish Electric Computers straight from University in 1967. Din't worry I won't go on about the history of computers and how the UK could have been the world leader as I'm sure enough has been said already.

I live with my wife whom I have been married to for 35 years (36 tomorrow, must buy a card) one dog, one cat, one rabbit, an aviary full of budgies and two finches. We live in a house we bought for renovation 3 years ago which we estimated (at the time) would take us a year to complete. We have revised that estimate several times and we are still only about half way through.

I have 3 children who are all grown up and have left home (and come bak, and left again, and come back, ..... but such are the ways of modern relationships), I have 7 grandchildren (including some step grandchildren). I would regard us as a typical modern family i.e. at any point in time at least half of the family are arguing or not speaking to various sub-sets of the other half but as the situation changes so quickly I'm never sure who is not speaking to/aguing with who and for what !!


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