Journal Entries

Hot Chicks

smiley - chick I found out earlier today that the high school I attend has lots and lots of very attractive women in it. I like this. A lot smiley - smiley. A WHOLE lot smiley - biggrin. It all started when my friends and I were discussing the problem of getting our sophomore friend into the Junior prom (the whole story is too long to retell here but it all centers around an *nsync knockoff performance we were going to do.) We were trying to find out which junior girls did not have dates. This conversation degraded into a discussion of my standards.

(there are four: the lovely lady in question must 1. have a height exceeding four feet, 2. have no physical disability, 3. not be a certain lady who I DON'T like smiley - steam, and 4. be at least a "4" out of 10.)

This degraded even further into a discussion of whether I would be willing to do things that I will not discuss on this site with random ladies who walked by. It was then that I noticed how many beautiful women my school has. So if you're in the mood to have some fun, come to one of the many weekend parties in this boring town, drink some shots, and have a go with the lovely ladies of Guilderland.

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Latest reply: Mar 27, 2001

My abysmally boring Spanish Class

I was in Spanish class last period today (that was about 30 minutes ago, I'm writing this at about 3:00,) and it was very boring. I hate it when classes are boring. Although something interesting did come of the experience, it was not a particularly pleasant one.

You see, today is Monday and I have been tired for the entire day. It all came to a head when during Spanish, I became so tired that my head hit the desk with a loud CLUNK. I didn't hear this CLUNK because I was already asleep <smiley type="zzz"/>. I slept for about 40 minutes (half the class, my school has 80-minute periods.)

When I awoke, the last bell had rung and I was alone in the room. My hand was tingling. Apparently I had fallen asleep on it. It continued to tingle for about 15 mintues. It was not very pleasant. In addition, my contact lenses felt very strange... I must try not to fall asleep with them in again!

It's all good... I must be going to track practice now. Peace. <smiley type="ok"/>

~The PFG~

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Latest reply: Mar 26, 2001

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