Journal Entries

On getting computers to talk, writing a book, and Warhammer 40k

Today I finally decided to get my two Macs talking to each other. The iMac would happily connect and grant access to the HDD and DVD of the Powerbook, but the powerbook refused to even acknowledge the existence of the iMac. In the end I turned everything on, getting the PB to now grant access to the iMac, and then turned stuff off until it stopped working.
I now have two computers which will happily talk to each other smiley - smiley

As many of you know, I write poetry and prose, lots of poems but less prose as it takes longer, and some of it isn't complete dross. Well I've decided to write a collection of childrens poems, hopefully enough for a book, with the aim of getting them published and earning me some of that money stuff I keep hearing about.

I've also been learning the rules for Warhammer 40k 5th Ed, which is released later this month, as I've managed to obtain a copy of the boxed set rule book and myself and a friend who lives in our road have decided to get back into playing now that we both have someone to play against. The new rules are, like 4th Ed before them, merely a refinement and neatening up of the previous edition rather than a major overhaul, as happened between 1st and 2nd and again between 2nd and 3rd. The differences seem designed to simplify and decomplicate the game, removing some of the abstraction and adding realism. However you still have to declare your targets before measuring for range, as it seems in a futuristic sci-fi setting nobody would have developed the range finder, schmucks.
The new box set, replacing Battle for Macragge, is called Assault On Black Ridge and in the box you get, 1 Space Marine captain, 1 Dreadnought, 5 Terminators, 10 Tactical Marines, 1 Ork Warlord, 20 Ork Boyz, 5 Kommandos and 3 Deffkoptas. So even if you already play then if you collect either of the two armies featured, or if you are considering collecting one of them, it's everything you need for a starter army and many pounds worth of kit.

smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Jul 21, 2008

Hull meet piccies

For those as wish to see them my hull meet piccies can be found at To view the hull meet pics you need to use the username Hull, followed by the name of the pub/restaurant where we ate on the saturday.

smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2008

Problem solving, dealing with stress and other ways I'm all messed up

I have several ways of coping with stress and feeling down. Some of them are good ways of dealing with it and others are what are known as poor coping strategies. The good ways are such things as gaming, but I only know two other gamers around here and one lives nearly 50 miles away. I also, sometimes, do some kind of manual work which involves physical exertion. Another is writing, some of my writings can be found at , most of them are tat, but a few aren't too bad.
I wrote a poem tonightsmiley - star and it helped a bit, but now we get on to the poor coping strategies. When I'm stressed I get an, occasionally overwhelming, desire to hurt someone, normally myself. Right now I really want to cause myself pain and I shall probably end up doing so before I go to sleep tonight. Not sure why I wrote this, other than the obvious cathartic properties of just getting it out.

smiley - cheers

smiley - starwhich I'm stating for the record, right now, is not related to anyone in particular, no matter what you may think if you read it.

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Latest reply: Jul 16, 2008

Oooh, what a Hull-abaloo

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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2008

I've caught Prof's desease...

I tried editing my PS, I had noticed that some of the stuff on it was out dated and stuff and I thought I'd just do a quick edit, it has now dissapeared and claims I'm on premod, stupid bug in the stupid system *mumble-mutter-moan*

What's the correct method for sorting it out?

smiley - cheers

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Latest reply: Jul 15, 2008

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T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

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