Journal Entries
Playing all the right notes, and mostly in the right order too.
Posted Oct 28, 2008
I was working out how to play various pieces of music on the keyboard earlier, the new power supply arrived today. I find reading music awkward and cumbersome and tend to use it to figure out what notes to play, or how the tune sounds and then I play by ear.
Anyway, back to the point of this journal. I was playing In The Bleak Midwinter and couldn't work out how to play the "snow was falling, snow on snow, snow on snow." bit when it suddenly started snowing, Yep, we get 30+ temps in the summer and snow in October. Actually it's rare for us to get snow before New Year so my parents have blamed me for my choice of music.
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Latest reply: Oct 28, 2008
Mánidanz, or I need a midi keyboard
Posted Oct 27, 2008
I'm trying to write a piece of music, tentatively entitled Mánidanz*, but not only do I not have a midi keyboard, which makes it excessively difficult to write the notation, how Beethoven, Mozart, et al managed amazes me, but my ordinary keyboard needs a new power supply as the one for it is stuffed <- that's a technical term.
At the moment I'm sort of humming bits of the tune into my computer in the hope that I'll be able to work out the correct notes when I get my keyboard up and running.
Incidentally the current version of my keyboard is midi compatible, but as it costs £100 I'm going to have to stick with what I've got for the time being...unless anyone's feeling generous and want's to buy me a xmas or b'day pressie.
*adopts hopeful look*
*Mondtanz for German speakers, Mánidans for Icelandic speakers and Månendans for Swedish and Danish speakers
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Latest reply: Oct 27, 2008
Mice or super-rodents?
Posted Oct 20, 2008
We've got wood mice. They're living in the bathroom behind some wood paneling. They had been living on soap but we took all the soap out of the cupboard and put a humane trap in there.
The first trap we tried was plastic and therefore useless after they chewed through part of it. Then we got a metal trap, completely unchewthroughable. We caught 4 mice with it but now we're left with a mouse who has blocked off one entrance to the trap with paper, and stuffed more paper in the vents down that same side. The other entrance has been propped open with bits of wood, allowing easy access and egress.
This has happened twice, as when I found the trap like this yesterday I cleared out and binned all the paper and wood. This morning we awoke to find this mouse had done the same thing again. I'm thinking that we may need to put some kryptonite in there as well as cheese/chocolate. Any other suggestions?
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Latest reply: Oct 20, 2008
I is returned from foreign parts
Posted Oct 7, 2008
For anyone who wondered where I have been these past few days, it was my grandfather's 95th birthday party down in hilly Lincolnshire*. Whilst there I acquired a little 2-octave melodeon, which I'm now trying to learn, if I can master the rudiments of it then I may consider getting a full size jobbie and attending folk festivals again.
It will join my Tony Dixon resin flute, my whistle and my 6-hole english style ocarina...aswell as my guitar and my concert flute..and keyboard and, if I ever find it, my harmonica...I think that's it, as far as instruments go.
Oh wait, I've got a half built pentatonic lap-harp which I designed and am working on gradually putting together too. I think that's all of them now. Although there is a violin, but that's not mine, and I got rid of my trumpet.
Anyway, it was nice seeing my grandfather again, as well as my mom's family as I've not seen them, really, since I moved to scotland.
On the way down we stopped overnight in carlisle. The next day we carried on down to Peterborough where we were staying. On the way to Peterborough we had lunch in a place called Ferrybridge, which is allegedly around Prof's neck of the woods. We had lunch there coming back too.
We had decent weather most days with a little bit of rain on sunday morning. Saw the family, saw my cousins' various offspring, only one of whom I'd ever met before, and had a good feed.
Got back here about 1800, came on here, worked through some of the blog, skipped much and then wrote this.
*Famed for being excessively flat.
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Latest reply: Oct 7, 2008
I done gone writ me a song y'all
Posted Sep 29, 2008
Hey peeps, have a listen to my latest creation at
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Latest reply: Sep 29, 2008
T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.
Researcher U170182
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