Me, Myself, I!" > />

Me = Fun lovin' art student (please don't point and jeer too much). I have an obsession with all things Baby Blue...

I love anything written by Douglas Adams, and my top 5 men are currently Kiefer Sutherland, Sting, Bryan Adams, Robert Downey Jr and Bono (but not necessarily in that order and subject to change at any time) Oh I also really fancy Rupert Everett but had to write him off being that he's gay and all.

I've already planned my own funeral - i've yet to turn 20, i should mention! I want The Police "Every Breath You Take" played and I want to be burried with my palms facing to the sky on a layer of small change (so long as its not euros because that really would be the death of me). I must be burried on a thursday.

"You live and you learn. At any rate, you live" - Douglas Noel Adams

Nobody cares if you dance well. Just get up and dance.

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog its too dark to read.


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