Pigeon Street

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Are you too a child of the 80s? The chances are not but that's beside the point. The fact that I am no longer 5 years old does not prevent me from watching "The Tweenies" when the only alternative is Channel Four Racing or something equally exciting. The chances are that if you were awake for more than five hours at any point during the mid to late 80s, you simply MUST have caught a snippet from the wonder that was pigeon street. It was my favourite program. Sure, I'd sit through Bagpuss, Button Moon, Mysterious Cities of Gold, Thunder Cats etc but nothing compared to Pigeon Street. Oh! That theme tune!
You see, my problem is that there are two episodes that I can remember, only one of them in any detail. That is the one where one of the children was given a football rattle and ball for his birthday and Reg kicked it through Rose's window by accident. She wouldn't let them have the ball back and played with it in her house. she forgot about the hole in the window and let her canary out of it's cage for a fly around. Naturally it flew out the window. The boy whose ball had gone through the window found the canary in the park where he was playing and returned it to her. She then gave him back his ball in thanks and was talked into coming out to play football with them - they all lived happily ever after (until the next episode i presume).
The other one i remember is the more abstract of the two - Its only a very small fragment and that is when the twins were on a see-saw. because they were identical in every way but for the letter on the front of the dresses they wore (including identical weights) the see-saw wouldnt work. A pigeon perched on it, not quite in the centre and it began to work. I told you it was abstract.
I can't remember exactly when it was that Pigeon Street was taken from my life, and I can't even remember noticing at the time - You never do, do you? you always assume you will see it again someday through repeats (much like the curry from my local kebab house) but alas, Pigeon Street hasn't graced my screen for many years and is sadly missed.
A couple of years ago when i was still at high school, I got talking to my old (or not so old) history teacher, Mr Newman. He told me he was friends with the creator of pigeon street and apparently one of the characters was based on him. WOW! My Hero!

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